Hello from FL (pics and cute stories!)


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May 8, 2011
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Hi, I've been lurking around for a while and I think it's time to introduce myself. I'm 21 year-old female Bio/studio art major at FSU. One day I plan to be a ethologist (studying animal behavior). I have two mantids currently: a green ghost named Olive and a Euchomenella named Piccolo. I used to have a S. Lineola named Luna, but she died of what I think was a bacterial infection caused by a bad cricket. Since they've become adults and settled down I've kept Piccolo and Olive free-range on some fake foliage I have in my apartment.

Piccolo is really inquisitive about everything and she likes to go on my hand and be slowly flown through my apartment. When she sees something she likes she will make a 'I want' motion with her arms. It's like she gestures towards it repeatedly. If she really wants it she's gesture more vigorously. Her favorite thing in the world, though, is probably climbing on my hair. When she was younger she used to climb on my hair and just clean it, but now she likes to munch instead. If she's by my ear I can hear her beak clicking on the strand that she's selected. It honestly freaks me out a little, but I put up with it because she loves it so much. Even when I take her outside to go hunting if she sees my face she'll ignore the bugs and just try to climb on me. She also really loves cream cheese. I feed both her and Olive honey and whatever else seems healthy and appropriate for a mantis (meat, egg, etc.) but one day I was eating a bagel with cream cheese and Piccolo was chilling on my hand about a foot away and suddenly she jumped on my bagel and starting chowing down with more enthusiasm than I even seen her eat her prey with!

Olive is more skittish and generally just does her 'I'm a leaf' impression where she'll shake back and forth, although she's come out of her shell a lot more lately. The other day I had her on my hand while I was rinsing something in the sink and I noticed that she seemed really fascinated with the water so I turned it down so that it was just a thin stream and put her near it. She started drinking from the water and bathing herself (she bathes herself just like a cat). When she put her arm in the water it bent the stream and she played with the angle a bit and finally got it so that it bent right into her mandibles. It was super cute.

Here are some pics:

Piccolo (as a nymph)(I need to take pictures of her as an adult)



Olive (adult):




poor Luna (nymph):


Luna (adult):


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Oh I also found an Indian Walking Stick whom I named Rick. Here's a picture of Rick.

He's a chill guy generally but once something startles him he's start RUNNING and when he gets to a gap (ex. at the end of my hand) his arms will start waving frantically looking for something to grab onto. His arms also rotate almost 180 degrees and at a perpendicular angle to his body so it looks absolutely nuts.

Welcome. I laughed at the walking stick named Rick.

Thank you everyone!

Hertarem45- I found him in the middle of a field of thigh-high brown grass, too. I can't believe I spotted him- it was incredible. hibiscusmile-they've been adults since about July. I got them as 2nd-3rd instar in May.

Rick- Yeah, my dad named him "Rick the Stick" lol

Ryan Minard- I actually bought them online, from MantisPlace. You should check it out. The lady who runs the website is really nice. The Euchomenella macrops (the stick-looking one) is also sometimes called a Malaysian Long Neck Mantis so I assume it's native to Malaysia and the Ghost (Phyllocrania paradoxa) (the leaf-looking one) is native to South Africa.

I knew you bought THOSE ones online but I was just saying you can find cool native mantids there as well. Some unique ones.

Oh ok. :p I have found some in the wild before. A religiosa female in the woods once, and one I only remember vaguely from when I was little which I kept as a pet. Oh, I also found a little grass mantid (Thesprotia graminis) the same day I found the walking stick. I kept him for awhile and he molted but he was still barely an inch long and I let him go because he always wanted to be outside of his container and I couldn't let him hang out in my apartment because he was so small that I would lose him... and he wasn't much to look at anyway.

Oh ok. :p I have found some in the wild before. A religiosa female in the woods once, and one I only remember vaguely from when I was little which I kept as a pet. Oh, I also found a little grass mantid (Thesprotia graminis) the same day I found the walking stick. I kept him for awhile and he molted but he was still barely an inch long and I let him go because he always wanted to be outside of his container and I couldn't let him hang out in my apartment because he was so small that I would lose him... and he wasn't much to look at anyway.
I bet the "Religiosa" wasn't actually a Religiosa. They don't live in FL. Maybe a Stagmomantis carolina or floridensis (quite cool mantid). Maybe tenodera?

Welcome to the forums, that's a great introductory post! I enjoyed the stories and pics and hope you continue to share details of your mantis adventures.


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