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  1. dragon

    Steatoda triangulosa

  2. dragon


    Sweet! How did they fare for you? Would imagine thrips and springtails would be typical menu items.
  3. dragon

    Identification help please?

    Not a recluse. Not sure about the sac spider ID but either way, would take some serious antagonism to get it to bite.
  4. dragon

    Really enjoying T's

    Avics are cute critters as slings, and quite lovely as adults. Rather miss mine. He "hooked out" so gave him to a breeder friend of mine. Hopefully he'll sire some progeny. Typically only danger from Avics is getting defected on. :poop: Shooting their feces is a common defense mechanism...
  5. dragon

    Quest for the Red Widow Spider ...

    Gorgeous creature. Wish we had them up here. A couple years ago, a buddy of mine gave me a sling. It eventually turned out to be a male. Unfortunately, I didn't have a girlfriend for him. Would love to get some again some day.
  6. dragon

    Phidippus audax

    Jumpers are cute lil buggers. Though this is anthropomorphizing -- they come across as having inquisitive "personalities".
  7. dragon

    what kind of spider is this

    Why, were you planning on eating it? heh :devil2: (Proper term is actually "venomous". ;) ) Most spiders are venomous but only a few have venom that can have a significant effect on humans. The risk factor for those that do have medically significant venom is often blown out of...
  8. dragon

    My red knee has started hidding!!??

    Basking isn't necessary, Pb. The only reason to come out into the sun is if the burrow is too warm. Many of the desert or arid dwellers will go off their feed -- some even completely -- during winter months. Perfectly normal behavior.
  9. dragon

    Fun in the sun mantis style..

    Very nice!
  10. dragon

    One of my Frilled dragons

    Sweet! How uptight do they have to get to flare their frills?
  11. dragon

    Raise your hand if U regularly handle your tarantula

    I rarely handle mine -- it is an unnecessary stress on the animal. For a T, there is no "getting it used to being handled". Pretty much each time it's all new again. (Remember not a lot of brain matter there to work with.) On those occasions, that I do, it is usually my G. rosea (rose hair) as...
  12. dragon

    A. Versicolor or P. Metallica?

    Defensive is really a more accurate term than aggressive in any event. ;) Congrats on the female versi -- although do take that sexing with a grain of salt. Most T breeders I know have told me that it is difficult to reliably sex them at that size. Males tend to be much shorter lived in...
  13. dragon

    Angry Taiwan flower, and others

    Lovely critters. :) What is the cricket dusted with?
  14. dragon


    IME, the brown house crickets have very little cold tolerance. being refrigerated is enough to kill them.
  15. dragon

    Pythons apparently wiping out Everglades mammals

    The presence of Burmese is a problem but, genereally speaking, so is the release of any invasive -- and this holds true for any ecosystem. I do not support a ban on python ownership or importation. Banning of one species, I believe, will set a presidence for future bans of other exotis. The...
  16. dragon

    I think you're freaky and I like you a lot...

    That was warped. Ah, but Phil, when was the last time you tore out a demon heart?
  17. dragon

    First Mantids, Now Roaches and Scorpions, WHAT NEXT?

    +1 ... Also Amblypygids, Uropygids, & millipedes.
  18. dragon

    Cobra lily

    Do keep in mind that there are populations of Darlingtonia that grow in less chilly areas. So while they are not heat lovers, not all require ice cold water. Nor is even moving water an absolute requirement though it is beneficial if you can swing it. Water quality will be an important...
  19. dragon


    At the Petsmart by me, the staff has gotten so used to seeing me, they generally allow me to pick out my own from the bin. (Why the heck would I want to you ask? Because I prefer getting the largest adults possible for my adult Ts, emperor scorpion, and large centipede -- easier for them to...