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  1. Z

    Hierodula patellifera L4

    Awesome Just wondering how can you tell if they are male or female? im just getting into mantids and i dont know a whole lot. yeah actually that was his first dubia ever and he munched the whole thing down and thanks! :)
  2. Z

    Hierodula patellifera L4

    Im not 100% sure the website i bought him from said he was a L3 when i got him and it only molted one time since iv had him
  3. Z

    creobroter pictipennis L3

    when i got him they said it was L2 and only molted once, how old do you think it is?
  4. Z

    Hierodula patellifera L4

    He/she is eating a roach on my hand in the last two pictures :D
  5. Z

    creobroter pictipennis L3

  6. Z

    Freshly molted H.patellifera L4

    yeah it is a hieradula also what should i feed him i have fruit flys but they seem to small and i have baby dubia roaches i tryed to feed and it didn't strike at it. what do you feed yours?
  7. Z

    Freshly molted H.patellifera L4

    so u cant click on the links because when ever i post pictures they are way to big for the page... ill try tho
  8. Z

    Freshly molted H.patellifera L4 I got him acouple days ago and he molted so i thought its was a good time to take a picture :D
  9. Z

    praying mantis unboxing

    Lol yeah i don't think id lose my finger but i did give my self a little cut thanks, yeah it is always super exciting opining the box. Yeah lol i did get my self at 00:20 haha i just try and be careful for the mantis in the box i didnt want to like stab through the box
  10. Z

    praying mantis unboxing that is my hierodula patellifera i will take pictures when i have better lighting
  11. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    Also just a question how do i tell when its going in a molt and what dose L2 mean sorry this is my first mantis and im still learning
  12. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    ok cool im going to get a deli cup in a little bit, and i dont think i need to make a whole culture but im going to i only have this one and will have another one different kind of mantis though tuesday or wednsday
  13. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    i might have to do that but i dont know what i can put it in because i dont know what those pineapple things are haha could i just put it in a little deli cup?
  14. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    oh thats a dissapointment :/ i have a pretty big container i bought with it already so it will probally be able to live in there for its life..
  15. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    Nice! Thats awesome ill go out and get acouple cultres today. Also how big do these Mantis get as adults?
  16. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    it came with some in shipping but idk how many were in there i just opend the little container and let them loose in there a couple min ago, and yeah i just found out what it is Creobroter pictipennis - Indian Flower Mantis i guess i lucked out or some thing because i was supose to get a ghost...
  17. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    it isnt? because the other one i would have gotten was a Hierodula patellifera - Indochina/Asian Mantis but this ones scintific name says c Pictipennis. do you know what it is?
  18. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    Alright thanks that seems easy enough and will those flightless fruit flys work?
  19. Z

    L2 Ghost mantis

    Got some pictures of him :D