L2 Ghost mantis


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Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
California,Bay area
Hey every body i joined the site a little bit ago and i just got my first mantis it isnt the one i wanted but im still happy. ill try and take pictures but it is so small im not to sure if i can, but i was wondering what should i feed the mantis? how will it get its water ect. thanks for reading my post :) .

EDIT: Creobroter pictipennis - Indian Flower Mantis thats the mantis i have

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That's not a ghost mantis

Yes flightless fruit flies are ideal

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it isnt? because the other one i would have gotten was a Hierodula patellifera - Indochina/Asian Mantis but this ones scintific name says c Pictipennis. do you know what it is?
Flower Mantis.

Be sure to get those fruit flies asap or it will die.

Flower Mantis.

Be sure to get those fruit flies asap or it will die.
it came with some in shipping but idk how many were in there i just opend the little container and let them loose in there a couple min ago, and yeah i just found out what it is Creobroter pictipennis - Indian Flower Mantis i guess i lucked out or some thing because i was supose to get a ghost or Indochina/Asian Mantis

it came with some in shipping but idk how many were in there i just opend the little container and let them loose in there a couple min ago, and yeah i just found out what it is Creobroter pictipennis - Indian Flower Mantis i guess i lucked out or some thing because i was supose to get a ghost or Indochina/Asian Mantis
I have both a ghost and a Creo picti. I have to say I prefer the creo. she's very pretty and very active, and will eat fruit flies for a long time. Be sure to get down to your local reptile pet shop and buy a fruit fly culture. Mine sells Drosophila melanogasters, you leave the culture alone for a week and then can start feeding them, and a week after that you have hundreds. That will keep her fed for a few months.

I have both a ghost and a Creo picti. I have to say I prefer the creo. she's very pretty and very active, and will eat fruit flies for a long time. Be sure to get down to your local reptile pet shop and buy a fruit fly culture. Mine sells Drosophila melanogasters, you leave the culture alone for a week and then can start feeding them, and a week after that you have hundreds. That will keep her fed for a few months.
Nice! Thats awesome ill go out and get acouple cultres today. Also how big do these Mantis get as adults?

Mines subadult, one more molt til she's adult. They're a small species. Mines living in a pineapple cup (one of those plastic containers they sell whole, peeled and cored pineapples in) and will be comfortable in that for her whole life, for one as young as yours, something smaller may be a good bet too. They grow maybe a couple inches long.

Mines subadult, one more molt til she's adult. They're a small species. Mines living in a pineapple cup (one of those plastic containers they sell whole, peeled and cored pineapples in) and will be comfortable in that for her whole life, for one as young as yours, something smaller may be a good bet too. They grow maybe a couple inches long.
oh thats a dissapointment :/ i have a pretty big container i bought with it already so it will probally be able to live in there for its life..

There's actually such a thing as too big. A container thats too big will make the food hard to find for the mantis, I actually had to downsize the enclosure size for my ghost twice because she wasn't eating.

There's actually such a thing as too big. A container thats too big will make the food hard to find for the mantis, I actually had to downsize the enclosure size for my ghost twice because she wasn't eating.
i might have to do that but i dont know what i can put it in because i dont know what those pineapple things are haha could i just put it in a little deli cup?

I kept my Creos in 32 oz delicup. I kept the parents in seperate critter keepers when they were big enough to take Blue Bottle Flys. had so many little nymphs I had to switch to delicups...they are ideal. I keep my Ghosts in delicups to except my adult is in critter keeper. I like that I can keep 2-3 Ghost together (well fed) and they dont eat each other (often).

if you have alot of nymphs it makes sense to culture your own fruit flys...easy to do.

i might have to do that but i dont know what i can put it in because i dont know what those pineapple things are haha could i just put it in a little deli cup?
Its basically a deli cup. so yeah you can keep them in deli cups. make sure they have enough climbing things like branches and leaves.

I kept my Creos in 32 oz delicup. I kept the parents in seperate critter keepers when they were big enough to take Blue Bottle Flys. had so many little nymphs I had to switch to delicups...they are ideal. I keep my Ghosts in delicups to except my adult is in critter keeper. I like that I can keep 2-3 Ghost together (well fed) and they dont eat each other (often).

if you have alot of nymphs it makes sense to culture your own fruit flys...easy to do.
ok cool im going to get a deli cup in a little bit, and i dont think i need to make a whole culture but im going to i only have this one and will have another one different kind of mantis though tuesday or wednsday

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