praying mantis unboxing


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Awesome, but I thought you were going to lose a finger for sure with that blade bud, one thing though, if your not going to talk maybe turn the volume down a tad next time, Lol.

Enjoy your new little buddy. :)

Awesome, but I thought you were going to lose a finger for sure with that blade bud, one thing though, if your not going to talk maybe turn the volume down a tad next time, Lol.

Enjoy your new little buddy. :)
Nice vid and you must be excited! Its always like Christmas opening a present! ....but like Nick said above, becareful with that knife/blade...always cut AWAY from yourself...I thought for sure you got yourself at 00:20...becareful! ;)

Enjoy your new friend!


Awesome, but I thought you were going to lose a finger for sure with that blade bud, one thing though, if your not going to talk maybe turn the volume down a tad next time, Lol.

Enjoy your new little buddy.
Lol yeah i don't think id lose my finger but i did give my self a little cut

Nice vid and you must be excited! Its always like Christmas opening a present! ....but like Nick said above, becareful with that knife/blade...always cut AWAY from yourself...I thought for sure you got yourself at 00:20...becareful! ;)

Enjoy your new friend!

thanks, yeah it is always super exciting opining the box. Yeah lol i did get my self at 00:20 haha i just try and be careful for the mantis in the box i didnt want to like stab through the box
