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  1. bubforever

    Forgotten eel dies.

    Yeah so as ya'll know i gots a fish tank. So today i wake up to discover my large spiney eel dead! Odd thing is, i forgot i even had it cause it buries itself in my gravel. Weird.
  2. bubforever

    New site

    I just got here and i like the new layout! Very nice!
  3. bubforever

    What should i get next

    Well as some may know i havn't had a mantis ever since my orchid died in late August and I was wondering what I should get next? I only have enough room for one mantis :cry: so every option counts.
  4. bubforever


    Yeah i know I've only been posting about the great asa hunt and my vertebrates (i'm planning on getting a mantis or two soon) but i managed to get a bluegill from my supplier yesterday. Its around 1.5 inchs long and eats blood worms I'll try to get a pic up soon.
  5. bubforever

    Odd pets

    What kind of odd pets have u guys had before. For me 2 giant african snails.
  6. bubforever

    Crazy Bass

    With how my tank is going i'm able to feed whats left of my fish wild food such as worms, beetles, crickets, etc. My crayfish absolutly love large nightcrawlers and when i put one in today my bass comes out of nowhere and grabs the thing. thats a 2.5 inch bass eating a 5 inch worm! :shock: Its...
  7. bubforever

    Sad Day

    It really sucks but i was forced to give away my needlefish to one of the teachers at my school. :cry: The reason being that my bass made it way to hard for the poor thing to eat. I would put in 5 feeder fish at once yet the needlefish could not get any. That's right a 2.5 inch bass eating 5 one...
  8. bubforever

    Ant Mantis

    Anybody owned one before? Looks interesting.
  9. bubforever

    Wisdom Teeth

    Just got them removed today and (excuse my language) Damn my mouth is so much pain. :x I know i'm going to spell it wrong but i don't think the vicatin is working. Anybody else have this happen recently?
  10. bubforever


    Just went and picked up my bass from my supplier its about 2.5 inchs long. :D
  11. bubforever

    Channel Catfish

    As told in the bass post i also managed to catch a baby channel catfish. Bbuuttt... it seems to be having some trouble. I think its close to dying because it is balancing on its tail on the bottom and slightly slanted. Anybody know what might be wrong? I'll try to get a picture of it.
  12. bubforever

    Video Games

    After reading the Half Life 2 post i have to wonder what game you guys think is the greatest video game of all time? Possibly top 5.
  13. bubforever

    Male orchid

    I know its picture was already in the general area but here he is after death.
  14. bubforever


    Well its official Sheldon my Orchid mantis died today. He had a good run of 5 months. Here he is
  15. bubforever


    I'm preparing my tank for the freshwater fish that i'm going to get as previously explained so i've been going out to the local rivers and catching clams, river plants and crawfish. While out today i saw in the shallows some minnow like fish swimming around. I caught a few to put in the tank and...
  16. bubforever

    Goin to Nationals!

    I'm departing today for the boys 17's open nationals for volleyball today i'm so excited. Were goin to do better than last years fifth place. See ya'll later.
  17. bubforever

    Dragon Goby

    Just got one today it'll give some compitition for my needlefish. Might get one of these soon as well
  18. bubforever

    Male Orchid Mantis

    Sorry about the poor quality. Its the best i got.[email protected]/0
  19. bubforever

    Late cicadas

    I live in Illinois and this is the year that the 17 year cicadas come out. Well living next to a forest you would think they would already have been out for a few weeks... no. They just came out yesterday, better than never but still isn't that a bit late?
  20. bubforever

    Close one

    The other day i brought my orchid outside and put it on a bunch of flowers that have tons of bees on them everyday. Well he's usually caught them right away, then i bring him inside as he eats. But that day he decided it would be a good time to test his wings and flew into an oak tree about 20...