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  1. MuscleMantis

    Abdomen flopping backward when hanging upside down

    My Red Arm mantises did this when they became old women about a year and 3 months. Then soon after perished.  If its right after a molt don't worry to much about it, but if they are on there last instar and do this then its about time for them to go.
  2. MuscleMantis

    Mantis seems sluggish and droopy.

    thats what im thinking shes 10 months old.
  3. MuscleMantis

    Abdomen burst, HELP

    If its not to late you could feed her honey and remove the eggs with tweezers and put her origins back in by using medical grade salt to shrink them and pushing them back inside her. then using the tweezers pinch the sides of the wound together and heat up a needle till its red hot and push it...
  4. MuscleMantis

    Mantis seems sluggish and droopy.

    My mantis (female, Hierodula venosa ) has been moving really slow and her legs seem weak. anybody know whats wrong? she does not move fast enough to catch food. this only started about 2 days ago.
  5. MuscleMantis

    Mantis Galore/ Aaliyah White

    I ordered from this breeder, a breeing pair of red armed mantis (Hierodula venosa), I was happy untill they reached adults were i found out they were both females. I cant breed 2 females. I messaged her about the issue and she said there was nothing she was gonna do about it. She said i could...
  6. MuscleMantis

    UGH! Sex mixup...

    Does anyone have a red armed (hierodula venosa) male mantis they can send me ready to breed? I have 2 females because of a mix up when they were shipped to me. I live in florence kentucky we can make some kinda deal, like you get some free babies or an ooth.
  7. MuscleMantis

    Both my Mantises eyes changed color drastically

    nvm your right XD i was just freaking out XD they slowly turned purple as it got darker... thats really cool!!!! thx for letting me know that!!!! i thought they had gotten sick.
  8. MuscleMantis

    Both my Mantises eyes changed color drastically

    No it was through the day and they have been that color ever since.
  9. MuscleMantis

    Both my Mantises eyes changed color drastically

    Umm i dont know if this is okay. There eyes were light green then all of the sudden vibrant purple? My female is an adult and suddenly got purple eyes over night!!! My male is one molt away from being an adult and suddenly got purple eyes the same time the female did. I dont know if there sick...
  10. MuscleMantis

    Found Female Mantis - Need help on its Condition

    She has a great color and she is an adult. They only live about 6 months in the wild because of frost and other animals. So the lumps could be scabs or scars. Shes mostlikly just getting old. Its sad to say but she looks great, but theres nothing you can do for her if she is getting old.
  11. MuscleMantis

    Ghost mantids molting really fast

    That is an amazing documentation sheet!!! do you mind if i use it aswell?
  12. MuscleMantis

    Mantis mismolt

    she might be able to mate and lay ooth. up side if she does mate there is little chance of the male getting cannibalized.
  13. MuscleMantis

    Mantis mismolt

    you can still feed her if you take an insect and use a pin or needle and stick it on the end and hold it up to her mouth. once she tast it and she is hungry she will eat it. what i do for mine is cut it into small pieces and put a piece on a needle and let them grab it with there mouth so i dont...
  14. MuscleMantis


    thank you every one who sent me messages and helped me out. he is completely out of his old skin. though he cant really move his arms he seems happier and able to move better. ^_^
  15. MuscleMantis


    i kno that was just for today to help him get a boost and feel better XD. i feed them 24 hours after a molt
  16. MuscleMantis


    yes i have already gave him some honey for strength and an energy boost as well to help with any infections that may occur. he also drank some water. so im staying positive and hope he makes it. hes sti;; pretty active with his arms immobile. i cut them apart so he could at least move a little...
  17. MuscleMantis

    Dead Ghost Mantis Group Enclosure

    the black substance is called the black death. it is caused by bad food, infections, injuries, and many other things. mostly bad food though. it can be cured the first day symptoms show by feeding them honey. after the first day survival rate goes down drastically. if its a food issue the other...
  18. MuscleMantis


    i read something about this happening because of them not getting enough water. but i mist every morning. so idk. i hope he will be alright. his arms might be messed up for a while and i will have to hand feed him if he pulls through.
  19. MuscleMantis


    He just started molting sometime in the night. but the female is done and looks great but i believe he is stuck and something went wrong. ANY help would be nice. thank you
  20. MuscleMantis

    Mantis Galore/ Aaliyah White

    Got my Red armed pair from this breeder last night and they where all boxed up nice and snug with a heat pack. great work and beautiful healthy looking mantids. this breeder cares very much for hr mantids and i will defiantly buy from her again!!!