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  1. B

    mice as PETS

    They only do that if the doe thinks something is wrong with the litter, if she thinks they are in danger, if she is stressed or if the babies smell like humans.. Mummy mice aren't silly.. they wouldn't kill them for no reason. It's simply to protect them
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    mice as PETS

    we have hundreds of mice if you're interested?? Don't think we have any boys left, but we have about 30 females lol We're not far from you really.. maybe an hours drive? a little more perhaps.. Selling as my brother has now got into show mice rather than pet mice, so we need the space.. let...
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    Some Tarantula Pictures

    Nice pics! That auratum is gorgeous.. might have to get a few more brachy's.. only got 3.. but will buy an adult or large juvie (sub adult) coz they take SO long to grow from slings! lol I have emilia, albopilosum and smithi at the mo.. pulchra is also gorgeous! Your lil avic is just going...
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    My Tarantula collection

    I think they're awesome pets. Species like Brachypelma's and Grammostola's don't take that much looking after. Dry substrate, water bowl, a hide and food once a week (for adults) and thats it! I am frightened of house and garden spiders but i love my T's lol
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    My Tarantula collection

    My G. aureostriata is the first T i got. I bought her as a 2" juvenile unsexed about 6 months ago.. she's absolutely gorgeous! She wanders out, onto my hand sits there for ages. Wouldn't hurt a fly..well.. :P lol She never kicks hairs, she never bites or threatens. She always just calm and...
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    My Tarantula collection

    lol i know the feeling mate. However, i'm not yet round to the mantids.. haha Latin names of T's i am fine with now.. Poecilotheria took me so long to learn to spell LOL! :lol: I'm getting better though.. i know all the latin of my T's, but i'm rubbish with common names. Chromatopelma...
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    African Budwing Mating Sequence

    How long did it take? Do they seperate themselves or what? gorgeous mantids and awesome pics :D He must be rubbish..thinking about her stomach and nothing else :lol: :lol:
  8. B

    What ADULT would you personally choose....

    The spider will take a while to settle down. Mine took months to settle and sort herself out before she ever threatened me.. now she's one big black meany! As soon as i take the lid off she's there, in my face, fangs out and dripping venom lol LOVELY spider! i love her hahaha Might take her a...
  9. B

    My Tarantula collection

    Pterinochilus murinus RCF 5cm Juvenile Poecilotheria regalis spiderling Grammostola aureostriata 4" juvenile female Brachypelma smithi juvenile Brachypelma albopilosum spiderling Avicularia versicolor Avicularia avicularia Theraphosa blondi juvenile Psalmopoeus cambridgei...
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    New Additions

    I love lycosa and them spiders!! Don't get them that big round me :( Shame. i'd love some..
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    Avicularia versicolor

    Awww lovely versi.. shame they dont stay blue isnt it really? :)
  12. B


    Hey! I've just joined this forum. I got my first mantid 5 months ago and it's gone from there lol My name is Becky. I'm 18 and live in Bedfordshire. I'm studying a National Diploma in Equine Management at college, in my final year! I have 6 mantids at the moment: Hierodula membranacea...
  13. B

    Ideal setup for orchid mantis

    Are they just large sweet jars??