7 Mantids Dead Because of Me


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Well, since this is turning into a "members' confessions" session, I have done the same thing. I didn't even have the excuse of fumigation. I put half a dozen S.. limbata nymphs outside in their little pots while I did some cleaning up. They're Arizona mantises, right? They'd probably enjoy the refreshing autumnal Yuma air. Wrong, of course, but a lesson leaned. If i weren't so lazy, I'd have probably put out another dozen!

As Orin pointed out, Nature is much more wasteful of mantids than any keeper, and it has to be, or the population would explode. The value of a mantis is entirely what its keeper puts on it. It is certainly much more to the credit of us humans if we can say,after the death of a few nymphs (most believe that they are champion swimmers), "Oh poor babies. What a bummer", than to look at the bodies and say, "dang, there goes $100 down the drain." If you ever get to that stage, and I have gotten close before catching myself, then perhaps the Great Mantis Goddess (BbHN) is telling you to take up something like bowling or wod carving. :D

wow...well it makes me feel loads better to know that i'm not the only person to make such mistakes. but you guys are right, at least i know what needs to change. i'm pretty sure i'm not at the stage where i care more about the money than the mantid himself/herself as Phil mentioned. i dont think i ever will be, but that is up to time and the Great Mantis Goddess. i hope that never becomes an issue tho...btw the surviving buggies are doing great now. they seem to be back to normal. unfortunately, i could not save the male that could barely climb..he seemed to do better each day, yesterday, his forelegs even started working again, but i noticed a number of other issues starting to come up with him...he started going downhill through the day and by the end of yesterday, he was on the bottom of the container, barely moving...it was the first time i had ever euthanized a mantis...it felt very strange to know that he was in the freezer and on his way to mantis heaven. =( since the exterminators came, i had not found any more mantids on THE bush. and THE bush is where i had been finding at least 2 or 3 mantids everyday since i started living here this year. it was the most mantids i had ever seen in my grandpa's garden so i was very hopeful that the mantid population was starting to flourish here. since the exterminators and until yesterday, i had searched the garden everyday, mostly at THE bush, but could not find anymore. but yesterday, i finally found a male on THE bush, and today i found one more female. i decided that they would be the last ones i would take from the wild this year but i wanted to try to mate them, and hopefully repopulate the garden next year. i currently have 3 pairs of Limbatas most are sub adults, but one is a little behind and one is already an adult. if everything goes well i will hopefully have at least 3 ooths for next year. =)
