A. Versicolor or P. Metallica?


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Yea Im not great with kingdoms and genus etc.. but I know what you mean....The slings are as gorgeous as they come, pretty friendly as well, but skiddish...

You should check out he Avic Purpureas, they are AWESOME looking adults, straight black with a purple sheen.

I like them, but Im getting poecies. I dont worry about the bite, and I love the overalll look of them. I used to breed spiders years ago, and if Im going to get back into it, its going to be with an epic spider like P. metallica

Yea they are intense, on ALL levels haha. I just wouldn't feel comfortable around one, with the speed and aggression, potent venom etc... So I m staying with new world for now til I work up my confidence levels....

What I really really dont like about new world spiders are the urticating hairs

Me and those hairs dont do well together

I dont think its an issue with Avicularia, but thats whats keeping me from getting a suntiger

Yea suntigers are gorgeous! So far Ive had no issues even with a few direct flicks from my versi, though she doesn't do it often...

Avics don't really ever flick their hairs and are normally pretty nice and docile.

I'm with you rs4guy, not ready for something like a P. metallica lol. I plan on starting with some versicolors and then moving my way up. I definitely like the arboreal species better than terrestrial. I just think that the webbing of the arboreals are awesome!

I would like to get a Suntiger one day but I have to work my way up to that first lol.

I used to work with some fast aggressive spiders. I'm not worried about poecies. I don't hold them and I always treat all spiders with respect

It's not like I'm talking about getting a stromatopelma

Just to let you know there is no working your way up, all species are different. Your time clocked with Avicularia are just that time with Avicularia. They all act different. P.irminia the "venesuelan suntiger" is a spider you can not prep for, they are thee most venomous new world tarantula if nothing new has come in recently to top it. The are fast and very beautifull. And as far as my time with them goes I havent been victim of their hairs, they usually just hide until you get to cleaning out their viv and thats when they launch out and tag you. Jason if Dom is still terrified of the 2.2 I sent him Im sure I can get you a nice 4-5" female out there. Si.ple truth dont let experience with one tarantula guage your readiness for another. Research the tarantula check out the bite reports and prep for them. Ive been bit by all of them some arent so bad others will leave you laying on the couch sick with a fever for a couple days.....even some longer term nerve issues, numbness and twitching of the bite area

Pokies arent that bad, want a crazy and aggressive tarantula get a p. Minimurus or orange babboon tarantula. Some of the babboons can cause nasty bites, even hallucinations, fever and bad abdominal and neck cramps.

These T's are beautiful, I have to admit, but I would go insane knowing that the coolest pet I have could 'put me out of action' for a couple of days, lol.

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Ive read all the online bite reports for the poecies, babboons, earth tigers, sun tigers, etc etc. I used to breed black velvet tree spiders that were so damn fast I swear they could teleport. Thats when I was 13.....Almost 20 years later and Id say Ive learned a few tricks to keep me and the animals safe and secure.

Yeah theres nothing worse than seeing someone uneducated, unprepared and a dead tarantula because it bit them and they sling it off their hand across the room and kill it. I had a 6" B.smithi suffer that horror at a show I was vending not too long ago. The interested buyer lied about experience as well as a common knowledge of them like not to blow on a big tarantula sitting on your hand because its not moving.....

Most species really should just be displays, some of the tarantulas out there will rival a dart frog display, and nothing beats seeing these little slings turn into big monsters after 5 years of care, the market for some of these species is huge, you can buy an avicularia versicolor sling for $8 yet a 5"female easily fetches $450.......hands down some of the easiest care requirments as well.

Ive been sitting on about 300 slings for 3 years now raising them for pairings, it can be extremely slow for some species that grow 1/2" a year...

there were lots of mantids at the reptile expo. People were selling orchids for $75 each!!!!!! There were ghosts, Sybilla, shields etc etc. All overpriced

there were lots of mantids at the reptile expo. People were selling orchids for $75 each!!!!!! There were ghosts, Sybilla, shields etc etc. All overpriced
Wow. Last time I went there was a single chinese mantis. Not for sale.
