A. Versicolor or P. Metallica?


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Just to let you know there is no working your way up, all species are different. Your time clocked with Avicularia are just that time with Avicularia. They all act different. P.irminia the "venesuelan suntiger" is a spider you can not prep for, they are thee most venomous new world tarantula if nothing new has come in recently to top it. The are fast and very beautifull.
Yeah I understand that, what I meant was start with an easier T like an Avicularia to use to the care requirements, moltings, feeding, etc. before I get to a faster, more dangerous spider when I'm not that experienced with tarantulas.

Tarantulas are probably the easiest things to take care of. Just steriloze everything going in the viv match their favored media, humidity and hide and the just toss them some food now and then.

Indeed, they are so simple. Even easier when you get culture of springtails to clean up after them, virtually no mantainence, just feed and mist a few times a week.

Yea I've also been using them for years, why make more work for yourself when you can have some little critters happily do it for you!!!
