I've never posted pics here before because normally I only post them on the Belgian forum. But because my brother moved in again I have a super macro lens at my disposal so I'm trying hard to make some decent photo's at the moment.. These are some of the shoot I made recently. And off course all the tips from the more experienced photographers are welcome!
Acanthops sp.:
The meaning of the "too big" cricket was to get them in threatening pose, but as you can see, that didn't work..
Otomantis sp.:
(the first two I tried to photoshop the reflection of the flash, but as you can see, that didn't go as planned..)
Acanthops sp.:

The meaning of the "too big" cricket was to get them in threatening pose, but as you can see, that didn't work..

Otomantis sp.:

(the first two I tried to photoshop the reflection of the flash, but as you can see, that didn't go as planned..)