Afraid to eat?


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Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Western CT
Hey, I currently have an Egyptian mantis nymph (instar unknown, but I'm guessing at LEAST L2 as it moulted a few days ago since I first got it about three weeks ago), and it's only eaten once that I've seen (today) since I got it. The fruit flies I've been trying to feed it aren't too big for it at all- they're the perfect munching size for him.. it... whatever.

It's just, when I put a fruit fly near it (lately I've been having to take it out of its enclosure and putting it on a flat surface so I can see if he can actually catch the darn things), it will strike at it... but when the fly freaks out, IT freaks out and runs (and I mean RUNS!) away from it. It's like he's scared of it.

Although today I made a breakthrough; I grabbed a relatively small FF and maimed it a little bit (took its wings off and crippled one of its legs) in hopes that the mantis would be able to hang onto it if it did manage to nab it. Luckily, it did... but I don't know if I should be worried about his inability to hunt.

Is this common for this species of mantis? I've read that their diets when they're young are pretty much the same as my VERY VERY active-hunting Ghost mantis nymphs, but he just seems completely uninterested in fruit flies. I know they don't eat before or after they moult, but this seems a little bit long for such a young mantis.

Am I worrying too much?


-Casey K

Many people tend to worry too much about the simple things when they first get into this hobby. If he is striking at and has ate the flies I would not worry.

It probably is just an extra skittish one. I usually deal with these by ripping off the head of an ff and sticking up the exposed guts up to the mantid's face, but I am basically a person who makes sure all my mantids are nice and fed, regardless of their ability to hunt.

Perhaps in the next instar your mantis will be more aggressive. Good luck.

I show crix no mercy lol

Only cause they pee me off by escaping or the bleedin time


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