Aluine - Sphodromantis lineola


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It's always sad when a special mantis dies. But it's good to hear from you. I haven't seen you posting for a while.
Yeah, where have you been? Sorry for your loss. I know how special she was. Gonna give it another go???
I was a bit in an asocial mood since a few days... The problem when you have bipolar disorders.

And I've been a bit drown between my husband's health problems and my mom who had an open heart surgery this morning.

I'm quite active on the FB page but I have to admit that I wasn't in a good mood to be on any forums...

I'll try to be a bit more present :)

And I hope I can adopt a new mantis, won't keep the terrarium empty, it's too sad. But very hard to find breeders here, dunno if I can adopt or if I have to buy an ootheca and try to make it hatch.

I am so sorry she is gone! She was special. I loved her pictures and videos. RIP sweet lady. I hope you get another mantis.

Mel, I'm so sorry to hear this! When I saw you posted I thought this was what it was gonna be.

It's the circle of life, but it's the sucky part of the circle. But I'm sure she had a super awesome spoiled life!

Weren't you even feeding her fish? Lucky, happy girl!!

You should definitely enter the pin up picture of her for next years calendar!! Oh wait was is it in this years? I see you on FB but have missed you here.

Hope you get another mantis girl!!

Sorry about Aluine, I saw the video on facebook :( I am glad you are looking forward to another mantis.
Thank you Sally :)

Sorry for your loss... my Hierodula Mem. Became an adult today, and I NEED to preserve her with pics! Oh, and her boyfriend :p
Pictures are the only thing left when they are gone, take a lot of them :)

I am so sorry she is gone! She was special. I loved her pictures and videos. RIP sweet lady. I hope you get another mantis.
I'll continue to publish some pictures I haven't shown yet but I'll really miss our photo shootings...

Mel, I'm so sorry to hear this! When I saw you posted I thought this was what it was gonna be.

It's the circle of life, but it's the sucky part of the circle. But I'm sure she had a super awesome spoiled life!

Weren't you even feeding her fish? Lucky, happy girl!!

You should definitely enter the pin up picture of her for next years calendar!! Oh wait was is it in this years? I see you on FB but have missed you here.

Hope you get another mantis girl!!
Hey Jude :)

She even had salmon and foie gras, what a hard She was my girl and a member of the family, it's really hard to see her terrarium empty each time I walk in my corridor.

It seems to be a very hard thing to find a mantis here, it seems that I was damn lucky to find Aluine because I can't find any, nowhere... Some breeders in France have mantis to sell but 1) I don't trust the safety of postal service 2) it's illegal to import animals without a vet certificate.

I think I'll have to find an ootheca and hatch it. Can be a great experience too :) But dunno where to find
