Mantis Mama
Hi all mantis enthusiasts! I'm in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I originally hatched an egg case to
have mantises to deal with the bad bugs in my yard. However, the weather was so bad that I
eventually just gave up trying to launch the mantises outside. I've now got several mantises as
pets and they're showing little wing buds now so I'm thinking that they must be getting close to
adulthood. I never cease to be amazed by these incredible little creatures. On the down side,
I've certainly had a few mismolts - but some of the mantises I've been able to save and am
hand feeding them. If I get to the mismolt soon enough I can cut away the stuck exoskeleton
and I find that the new body has a better chance - my little manicure scissors will never be the
I've learned a lot from this forum. Thank you for providing it and for contributing to it.
have mantises to deal with the bad bugs in my yard. However, the weather was so bad that I
eventually just gave up trying to launch the mantises outside. I've now got several mantises as
pets and they're showing little wing buds now so I'm thinking that they must be getting close to
adulthood. I never cease to be amazed by these incredible little creatures. On the down side,
I've certainly had a few mismolts - but some of the mantises I've been able to save and am
hand feeding them. If I get to the mismolt soon enough I can cut away the stuck exoskeleton
and I find that the new body has a better chance - my little manicure scissors will never be the
I've learned a lot from this forum. Thank you for providing it and for contributing to it.