Breaking News, Lady GaGa turns into Mantis!!!


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
The Mother Monster has reportedly turned into a Creobroter gemmatus. No word on the cause but here is a picture of the pop star as a mantis, looking very dignified and glamourous despite being a mantis, and she has called herself "Creo GaGa"


In her final molt it's rumored that she will turn back into a man, some of my friends swear she's a tranny. :wacko:

I don't listen to pop music so I have no opinion on her music, but she is definitely more of an artist than your average pop star, and an extra weird chick which earns bonus points from me.

I don't see any need to beat down what a 15-year-old is into.

You know you all bought Madonna's Borderline when it came out!


Yeah...But THAT'S Madonna. My very first LP was Cyndi Lauper's "She's so unusual". :lol: I bought it at Gemco, if anybody knows what that was. Lady CACA is now making headlines by dressing like a normal person. ######! I guess I'm just jealous I can't make a career out of making every day Halloween.

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Yeah...But THAT'S Madonna. My very first LP was Cyndi Lauper's "She's so unusual". :lol: I bought it at Gemco, if anybody knows what that was. Lady CACA is now making headlines by dressing like a normal person. ######! I guess I'm just jealous I can't make a career out of making every day Halloween.
It's an age thing. At 15 I was all about Devo and Adam & the Ants. I still love them. Always will. But if they came out today I would probably think they were stupid and gimmicky.

Not to go on and on about this stuff but pop is about the whole package. That's how it works. You can't just do music or look 'cool'. It's got to be a whole packaged persona. I don't think you could say with any authority that Madonna's or Cindy Lauper's music was any better than Gaga. They both had producers that were at the top of their game working in the studio making their sound what it is. They are the face on the packaging, for the most part. They are a figurehead - like the President. Yeah, I went there. I got political, but not really. All Presidents are only figureheads representing the interests of big business. Different face, same agenda. :yawn:

I was a music major in college; I can understand the disdain for pop music, etc. But if any of you don't think Lady Gaga is talented, I offer this video:

That's how one of her songs was originally written, before it churned through the pop process. Admittedly, I like both versions but the live performance is especially remarkable.

That's how one of her songs was originally written, before it churned through the pop process. Admittedly, I like both versions but the live performance is especially remarkable.
I'm with you on that. No doubt she is an real artist living out success within a pop persona. Not my thing but I respect her for being as bold as she is.
