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We all have different techniques for doing things. I will continue to use my way since I have never had a problem.

My technique of placing them together, sitting and staring at them with a heart rate three times normal works the best...


The majority of your input dino comes across as rude and aggresive. Ever consider being more coherent in what you are trying to put across? You gave quite a conclusive statement without much backing behind it, why Rick's method is "riskier"? You still haven't given us an acceptable responce to why Rick's method is "riskier"? Isn't it abit obvious to feed the female before hand? AH look, none of you have mentioned anything about using adult mantids. Rick, i think your method is risky. You didn't say use male and female. i guess all of you guys' methods are "risky" Also Rick did say he does something slightly different towards Eros' methods, not completely different!!

Dino, you really need to put more thoughts and consideration into the wording of your posts. Most of the time there is a fairly snobbish and arrogant tone in your posts. I think that's mainly the choice of words you use and the use of very short sentences ( making yourselve sound very abrupt). When someone is sharing a different opinion to yours, please, just have an open mind about it; try stepping down from your little high horse dino.

pipe down. I hope you will give the things i have said above a little think. It might make you more tolerable on these forums, and probably eventually likeable.

edit: I really hope i havent' been too's beena stressful day and i can't sleep (it's nearly 4am). i bet in real life, you're a sound bloke (if you are, please do act like one).


Don't bother because dino won't listen to anyone. I feel my method is the best out there because I don't keep the pair enclosed. I make sure the male is fully mounted and doing his thing before I leave them alone. My females are well fed and I have never gave them food to keep them from eating the male. I don't generally have a problem with the male becoming lunch. Besides since I let them out during mating the male has the entire room in which to make his escape. You guys do what you want because this is what works for me. :D

I bet you are a really sound bloke in real life.x
No I bet you do my friend because you just asked me that question.... I have no interest of argueing with people on this forum...but it seems Chun you want to....all right we are getting off topic. You know what I also bet just argue with me because everyone else is doing it...welll I have something to say....I never even talk to you except that one e-mail I sent you asking if you have any mantids for sale. Get to know people first before you start following. A few name calls from a person doesnt revail a persons attitude.

i agree and i think the method you have described sounds very logical and good. i don't think it's risky at all (although there's always an element of risk involved when mating mantids). Might have to give it a shot one day. Problem is, my room is so so so messy, i can't even find my way round it, i doubt i'll be able to find a puney lil male mantid.

BTW my post above about your method being risky was a sarcasm (or being pathetically pedantic like dino was)...

anyway i wish everyone the best of luck in breeding their mantids.

I bet you are a really sound bloke in real life.x
No I bet you do my friend because you just asked me that question.... I have no interest of argueing with people on this forum...but it seems Chun you want to....all right we are getting off topic. You know what I also bet just argue with me because everyone else is doing it...welll I have something to say....I never even talk to you except that one e-mail I sent you asking if you have any mantids for sale. Get to know people first before you start following. A few name calls from a person doesnt revail a persons attitude.
"you just argue with me because everyone else is doing it". Please do escuse me, i have no right to find the way you post and your attitude a tad bit annoying without following people's lead? Atleast i have my own opinions (from other posts eg the one regarding gutloading, your opinions are often based on what your "all knowing" petshop owner said, immediately rejecting other people's childish). Do you really think i want to waste my time arguing about your negativities? It's for your own benefit. If "everyone else is doing it [arguing with you]" then i really think you should listen to the advice i proposed in the post above and take appropriate actions for self improvement. People on here are genuinely quite nice and friendly, i don't get a thrill out of "arguing"with you nor would other people on here (i highly doubt they would).

nuff said, i have no intention of dragging this on because i don't think it's fair on the others.

i agree i do not know you, but god bless x

for gods sakes dino, stop runining this forum! This topic was a a civil conversation until starting complaining. Dam it, you just frustrate me soo much, grrr.

You make your self mad because you dont accept aploigies......I do not want to arguee anymore...lets stop now....all of us! As for you saying people are nice on this might want to reconsiter on that..they may just act like it, but they are pretinding.

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