The majority of your input dino comes across as rude and aggresive. Ever consider being more coherent in what you are trying to put across? You gave quite a conclusive statement without much backing behind it, why Rick's method is "riskier"? You still haven't given us an acceptable responce to why Rick's method is "riskier"? Isn't it abit obvious to feed the female before hand? AH look, none of you have mentioned anything about using adult mantids. Rick, i think your method is risky. You didn't say use male and female. i guess all of you guys' methods are "risky" Also Rick did say he does something slightly different towards Eros' methods, not completely different!!
Dino, you really need to put more thoughts and consideration into the wording of your posts. Most of the time there is a fairly snobbish and arrogant tone in your posts. I think that's mainly the choice of words you use and the use of very short sentences ( making yourselve sound very abrupt). When someone is sharing a different opinion to yours, please, just have an open mind about it; try stepping down from your little high horse dino.
pipe down. I hope you will give the things i have said above a little think. It might make you more tolerable on these forums, and probably eventually likeable.
edit: I really hope i havent' been too's beena stressful day and i can't sleep (it's nearly 4am). i bet in real life, you're a sound bloke (if you are, please do act like one).