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Just tel the honey, that they need more room and that they really should be in there with you two so u can check their every need, and how nice it would be if they could be near the bed, so u dont have to get up if one needs food!

Just tel the honey, that they need more room and that they really should be in there with you two so u can check their every need, and how nice it would be if they could be near the bed, so u dont have to get up if one needs food!
This is so true. It is also an excellent idea to keep the roaches close to the bed, too. They are active at night, and if I forgot to feed them, they make hungry, scrabbly noises until I toss in a handful of dog food that I keep close by for that purpose. Sometimes, one of the roaches will be feeling sad or lonesome and come and snuggle up under my pillow for the night. How cute is that?

See, all kinds of good ideas here :tt2: you just have to use your imagination Paul!

Some good idears here! She keeps throwing the dog in the bed to snuggle! I surpose i could tell her i need to snuggle up with some mantids in bed. I could tell her they eat bed bugs! :lol:

So did she fall for it?

On another note: I had four sheild ooths in one container, and three hatched in one day,


Now I ask you, what is the chance of that happening? :tt2:

I wish I had a room for my bugs, they are all on my dresser in containers. It is funny that my husband doesn't complain.

on the dresser u say, I just brought the tick container to show hubby and he is like all freaked out I left it on kitchen counter? Whats his problem

Yep, on the dresser, and we have a very small bedroom. :lol: Also I bought some fake flowers that I put in a vase on the same dresser. I let all my mantids get a turn to be loose on the flowers, but not while we sleep. I am afraid one will come to bed and get crushed. No tics allowed in my bedroom, or anywhere else in the house. I will blow them to smithereens! :gun_bandana:

I have all of mine scattered across the top of my entertainment center so as not to disturb the visitors or residents. Most people don't even notice until I bust out the 4" Chinese and let her sit on my arm!
That tends to get a reaction from people....

Nothing like a little surprise.hahah, did I tell u bout my other son Joe last week? He was in Bugatorium with me and his beautiful wife Lauren and we were looking at the idols and he was fixing a vacume cord his puppy chew thru after I showed him how, and he was done and going to look out window and I had a mating couple out and he bumped into them not seeing them and boy u should of heard him scream
. It was funny, scared the bejeebers out of me, Lauren and hubby! We couldn't imagine what was going on, he no like bugs!
haha, 245 5'11" man afraid of a bug ,,,haha, he is big man, played football for his high school, a guy with no neck....hahahaha, mama still laughing. :tt2: He kill me if he see s this

I have heard stories about big tough guys that screamed like little girls, over discovering a bug. I still will freak out when taken by surprise by a flatty, :eek: In my mom's house there ara alot of them. Huge, flat spiders that will not hesitate to lunge at a someones hand as they are dusting and cleaning. Flattys are big and scary, but now I want to catch one and keep it. Every one will probably hear my screams at feeding or cleaning time. :lol: Those things are fast! The quick movement is what gets me.

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Nothing like a little surprise.hahah, did I tell u bout my other son Joe last week? He was in Bugatorium with me and his beautiful wife Lauren and we were looking at the idols and he was fixing a vacume cord his puppy chew thru after I showed him how, and he was done and going to look out window and I had a mating couple out and he bumped into them not seeing them and boy u should of heard him scream
. It was funny, scared the bejeebers out of me, Lauren and hubby! We couldn't imagine what was going on, he no like bugs!
haha, 245 5'11" man afraid of a bug ,,,haha, he is big man, played football for his high school, a guy with no neck....hahahaha, mama still laughing. :tt2: He kill me if he see s this
Ha!!! He did realize he was going into your bugatorium didn't he???

Yea he did! But he probably didn't think I would have them loose, shows how much he still listens to him mom!
Funny when he was growing up bugs and wiggly things didn't bother him, it was me who screamed, guess we switched somewhere along the way.

Whats that
I think I hear a scream!


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