Well-known member
Wow. The FAQ's on this page ( http://www.axolotl.org/faq.htm ) are fantastic! Not the easiest to sort through, but great.
Who said it would be like that? The caresheet WOULD cover multi species. I am pretty sure I mentioned that. However, many could fall under a general care sheet and those would be listed. How many species have you kept? Nobody said it would simply say good luck.Irrelivant.
There is no reason that a caresheet can't be multi species. The point is to list the species, instead of saying "this will probrably work, good luck".
No meds here. I am not upset nor do I want to make anyone "mad." The bad thing about text is that you don't know the writers' tone. Don't mistake my posting style to mean I am mad or upset at anyone.Well Peter J F, If you mess with the bull you get the horns. ^_^
I think Rick is off his meds again?![]()
Don't ream me too bad Rick It's only a joke, and honestly you have a point.
I agree that my comment was poorly executed. You got me there. But elitism? Ha. I am a mod on a bug forum. Nothing elite about that. I also am not an expert by any means. I am a hobbyist plain and simple. Though I have been observing and interacting with these particular insects since I was old enough to walk. I know a little about them.Well, speaking for the people who "can't seem to use their own brains and come up with something on their own", I think this is a case of the have and have nots. It's like intellectual elitism, and it can drive away nice folk and leave the bitter elite to their lonely, empty forum. Or 5 or 6 active members berating the timid lurker who dares to ask a "stupid" question. :-(
I still believe this forum was engineered for the free flow of information. If that can flow easier, and be more welcoming, why not...? I could make a post this weekend featuring links to other people's caresheet on the web and be done with it. But do we really want to direct new people AWAY from this forum...?
Note: "Common sense" is far from common. Even drinking from a cup needed to be learned - (hint: the open part points up).
Nobody is judging anyone. He has a valid point. I feel care sheets are an excellent idea. However I feel that writing a care sheet on every single species is impractical. Anybody who has kept more than a handful of species will tell you that. Especially when care for many of them can be lumped into one general basic care sheet. That is the point I am trying to make.Well Sporeworld is a A1 member to this forum bar none, he gives to people and wants no fame or recognition so don't judge him unless you have talked to him personally like I have had the Honor to do!!!! he is just trying to make one small point, its not worth brother against brother. SO YOU ALL JUST COOL OUT for a minute...###### is this place coming too,
Hillarious!ok, I gave my 2 cents, but I got a dime left over so here we go...
Great! I admit, I didn't finish it yet (I gotta buzz off to work) but that seems like a huge leap forward. I can see something like that as a pin under a seperate (bold listed) forum heading like "New Mantis Overview" or "Basic Mantid Care" or something like that. It's a really exciting start and easy to build on. Kudos!... I have taken the opportunity to provide a pinned caresheet in the main discussion forum here: