China, Bosnia, Egpyt, and Guatamale PYRAMIDS?


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2011
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So I guess within the last few years anthropologist and archaeologist have been digging and finding MASSIVE pyramids. What's your thoughts on this?

I heard that western civilization was trying to hide the way people lived back then, Not only because what they believed in but also because they knew that pyramids were more then just some type of building. So they had chinese rice farmers cover up the pyramids with rice fields. It doesn't make you wonder? They say the pyramids in Egypt to be made, had to have someone working on it every day for 20 years. When back in the day what tools did they have besides the obvious rock. Also how can you explain that EVERY pyramid is not just placed anywhere. They ALL line up with the stars in some form. I'm just saying that EVERYTHING in this universe evolves not just the things around us.

Also if anyone is interested google "Popol Vuh". Literally "Book of the People". That's the Mayan story of creation. c. 2000 BC to about 1547 if I'm not mistaken.

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There was very obviously an ancient seed culture that spread across all continents. There are way too many similarities between megalithic architecture and building techniques as well as traditions of esoteric thought between diverse cultures across the globe. The Catholic church did its best to destroy all evidence of the world before in order to push its version of history as contained in and limited to the Bible, which helped them to control their world empire. Unfortunately, that led to the destruction of countless irreplaceable histories, such at the Aztec and other mesoamerican cultures, with the Popol Vuh being one of the few remaining.

There was trade between the continents looong before the official version of history admits. Evidence mounts against the official story. Eventually the dam will break and they will be forced to face what seems obvious to many already.

@ Precarious, I agree with you 100%. So with that being said, What do you think will happen come Dec 21, 2012? Is this all a coincidence that these pyramids are popping up all over the place within the last few years you think or maybe it was planned? Who knows? I think it's going to be the day of our next evolution. Remember that ape to human graph you use to see in science class with the ape who is slowing but surely evolving into a human? Well what's the next picture after that? (Besides the Stig) Who knows? The Mayans don't say that Dec 21 is the end... But a new start. It's crazy cause most people don't even know that we have not 8 but 9 planets in our Universe, The 9th being Nibiru. Now this stuff was and is written in stone to warn us of this day. Egyptions whos divine purpose in life was to live an eternal life, Even after death. David Wilcox who is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. Talks about us evolving in 2012, Strange enough he claims to be the REINCARNATION of Edgar Cayce. Crazy stuff!

Oh and it is now PROVED that almost everything you ever thought you knew about ancient history is WRONG. The original men, civilizations and pyramids. 100 years of studies on Pyramids WASTED cause we still don't know Who, When, How, and why who built the biggest, oldest and the most superior pyramids.

I never knew anything about ancient history, nor do I claim to. Only the wisdom of the ancients knows for sure. It's easy to believe that our learning is knowledge. But, quite the contrary. Teachings only clutter the knowledge that we are born with naturally and our true knowledge just fades away...All the while you get praised for losing it by getting A's and being a parrot.

EDIT: :lol: I found a grammatical error that I just had to fix. I knew something didn't seem right.

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Yes I agree with you as wisdom comes knowledge and as knowledge comes power. Too bad I wasn't even close to being a straight A student lol. I teach myself most everything I know. Hence my "natural born knowledge". Ive fished the Bering sea for two Seasons and worked as a tower hand for two years. I'm what they call a "natural". Haha.

Live and learn what you need to survive. There is no "survival" these days. That's why the world id in the state it's in. TOO MUCH so-called knowledge. This herd needs some thinning.

@ Precarious, I agree with you 100%. So with that being said, What do you think will happen come Dec 21, 2012?
I've been studying religion, mythology, and the esoteric my whole adult life. I put the same passion into finding the truth that you see me apply to photography and keeping mantids. So I'm not the casual observer. You seem like a nice guy. Be wary of what you read and watch. Judge everything against what we know for sure and what makes the most sense. I can tell you that Discovery's Ancient Aliens exposes a lot of archaeological anomalies the public seldom is told of, but at the same time the show is setup to discredit their importance by attaching "aliens" to everything. When you watch the show, every time they mention "aliens" mentally replace the reference with "more advanced culture". Everything they credit to alien intervention could more easily be explained as just a more advanced civilization of humans. I'm speaking of the seed culture I mentioned earlier.

If there was a worldwide catastrophe destroying most civilizations but a few managed to survive and later travel the world spreading their knowledge with peoples now living under very primitive conditions, would they not be seen as gods? Would that not explain the "sudden" springing of advanced cultures "out of nothing" that seems to mystify historians? Aliens need not apply. There is a mountain of evidence of very ancient, very advanced cultures using stoneworking techniques we can't replicate even today. Does it not make sense the founders of those civilizations could be the source of knowledge rather than aliens, of which there is absolutely NO proof?

But anyway, 2012 only designates the end of one cycle and therefore the beginning of the next. For the Mayans it represents the end of their Big cycle, but each year is also a cycle. They recognized the significance of cycles so they had many to observe, each being a miniature of the greater cycle of which is was a part. So by examining the 2012 thing from that perspective we can gain insight into what they expected. For instance, they knew the importance of letting go of the previous cycle in order to embrace the new, so every 52 years (known as the "Calendar Round") they would extinguish all fires and forgive all debt. How does that relate to the larger cycle?

We're seeing the scam of fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking crashing. This world we live in is controlled by money. ALL ancient religions have bans on what they called "usury" which is the loaning of money at interest. Look into it. If you are Christian, understand that was the significance of Christ overturning the money changers' tables in the temple. Christians have forgotten what this means. The Islamic religions still abide by the rules against usury, which is why we see them demonized by those who control the world through money (western nations).

This is why gold has long been held as the surest symbol of wealth; it cannot be created out of thin air (as is credit), so there is a limited supply which cannot be artificially inflated. In other words, those who we'd now identify as the elites could not turn profits without direct labor, and the parasite class has grown so very fat trading only on the labor of others. At this moment in time the parasites run the show. They do nothing that directly benefits the world, yet they own it. You can see the masses awakening to this as the protests wash across the globe.

All of this, which is of course much more complex than I have presented above, is an indication of what is to come as this cycle ends and the next begins. The symbolic forgiveness of debt will come in the form of collapse of fractional reserve banking as the nations they'd used it to entrap in their net of control default. This in itself will restructure the entire world.

The symbolic snuffing and relighting of fires can be seen in a similar light. Whether fire represents power, technology or wisdom I cannot say for sure, but we can expect a similar restructuring.

None of these changes represent "the end of the world" in the sense adopted by modern Christians. It simply means "the end of the world as we know it". As a side note, the Christian interpretations related to the end of the world are purposeful misinterpretations used to better control the sheep. For instance, the word "apocalypse":

From wikipedia:

An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. The Apocalypse of John (Greek Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου) is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. By extension, apocalypse can refer to any End Time scenario, or to the end of the world in general.

Oh, and we are seeing the veil lifting incrementally as each day passes! So don't fear the "revelation" of truths... unless you are one of the parasites who live off the old lies. ;)

There is little doubt the world is being reborn, but it will not come without bloodshed and suffering. Birth is always painful. This old world will fight to hold power. It's human nature to hold to the familiar which gives us a false sense of security, so the sheep will rally around the slaughterhouse. And it's natural the current rulers will claw to hold the power that has made them so comfortable. We are at a time when sentimentality can decide our personal futures. Do we hold onto illogical fairy tales simply because they are tradition? Or do we look beyond the symbols to glimpse the truths hidden within?

I have sworn off any sentiment for what has been, that I am open for what is to come. I plan on riding that wave when it hits. Don't waste your time building a boat to hold two of each animal or you will drown in the past as the wave of future crashes down.

I've been studying religion, mythology, and the esoteric my whole adult life. I put the same passion into finding the truth that you see me apply to photography and keeping mantids. So I'm not the casual observer. You seem like a nice guy. Be wary of what you read and watch. Judge everything against what we know for sure and what makes the most sense. I can tell you that Discovery's Ancient Aliens exposes a lot of archaeological anomalies the public seldom is told of, but at the same time the show is setup to discredit their importance by attaching "aliens" to everything. When you watch the show, every time they mention "aliens" mentally replace the reference with "more advanced culture". Everything they credit to alien intervention could more easily be explained as just a more advanced civilization of humans. I'm speaking of the seed culture I mentioned earlier.

If there was a worldwide catastrophe destroying most civilizations but a few managed to survive and later travel the world spreading their knowledge with peoples now living under very primitive conditions, would they not be seen as gods? Would that not explain the "sudden" springing of advanced cultures "out of nothing" that seems to mystify historians? Aliens need not apply. There is a mountain of evidence of very ancient, very advanced cultures using stoneworking techniques we can't replicate even today. Does it not make sense the founders of those civilizations could be the source of knowledge rather than aliens, of which there is absolutely NO proof?

But anyway, 2012 only designates the end of one cycle and therefore the beginning of the next. For the Mayans it represents the end of their Big cycle, but each year is also a cycle. They recognized the significance of cycles so they had many to observe, each being a miniature of the greater cycle of which is was a part. So by examining the 2012 thing from that perspective we can gain insight into what they expected. For instance, they knew the importance of letting go of the previous cycle in order to embrace the new, so every 52 years (known as the "Calendar Round") they would extinguish all fires and forgive all debt. How does that relate to the larger cycle?

We're seeing the scam of fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking crashing. This world we live in is controlled by money. ALL ancient religions have bans on what they called "usury" which is the loaning of money at interest. Look into it. If you are Christian, understand that was the significance of Christ overturning the money changers' tables in the temple. Christians have forgotten what this means. The Islamic religions still abide by the rules against usury, which is why we see them demonized by those who control the world through money (western nations).

This is why gold has long been held as the surest symbol of wealth; it cannot be created out of thin air (as is credit), so there is a limited supply which cannot be artificially inflated. In other words, those who we'd now identify as the elites could not turn profits without direct labor, and the parasite class has grown so very fat trading only on the labor of others. At this moment in time the parasites run the show. They do nothing that directly benefits the world, yet they own it. You can see the masses awakening to this as the protests wash across the globe.

All of this, which is of course much more complex than I have presented above, is an indication of what is to come as this cycle ends and the next begins. The symbolic forgiveness of debt will come in the form of collapse of fractional reserve banking as the nations they'd used it to entrap in their net of control default. This in itself will restructure the entire world.

The symbolic snuffing and relighting of fires can be seen in a similar light. Whether fire represents power, technology or wisdom I cannot say for sure, but we can expect a similar restructuring.

None of these changes represent "the end of the world" in the sense adopted by modern Christians. It simply means "the end of the world as we know it". As a side note, the Christian interpretations related to the end of the world are purposeful misinterpretations used to better control the sheep. For instance, the word "apocalypse":

From wikipedia:

An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. The Apocalypse of John (Greek Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου) is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. By extension, apocalypse can refer to any End Time scenario, or to the end of the world in general.

Oh, and we are seeing the veil lifting incrementally as each day passes! So don't fear the "revelation" of truths... unless you are one of the parasites who live off the old lies. ;)

There is little doubt the world is being reborn, but it will not come without bloodshed and suffering. Birth is always painful. This old world will fight to hold power. It's human nature to hold to the familiar which gives us a false sense of security, so the sheep will rally around the slaughterhouse. And it's natural the current rulers will claw to hold the power that has made them so comfortable. We are at a time when sentimentality can decide our personal futures. Do we hold onto illogical fairy tales simply because they are tradition? Or do we look beyond the symbols to glimpse the truths hidden within?

I have sworn off any sentiment for what has been, that I am open for what is to come. I plan on riding that wave when it hits. Don't waste your time building a boat to hold two of each animal or you will drown in the past as the wave of future crashes down.
LOL have you ever heard of David Wilcocks?

LOL have you ever heard of David Wilcocks?
I've been studying ancient history for about 4 years now having the internet as my resource. Youtube is also a good resource but as you said "be careful at what I read and watch and how I perceive things. Everyone should. That had to be the longest post I've ever seen by the way. =)

I've been studying ancient history for about 4 years now having the internet as my resource. Youtube is also a good resource but as you said "be careful at what I read and watch and how I perceive things. Everyone should. That had to be the longest post I've ever seen by the way. =)
These are very complex issues. Hard to break it down into soundbites without losing the message. I could go on about these subjects all day if I had a reason to. But I have little tolerance for unnecessary bullsh!t and it seems that's the end of the spectrum you're more interested in. I see very little truth on TV.


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