Christianity debates here please. criticism welcome :)


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Jun 1, 2007
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United States, Virginia
Anyway, jmac27.

In Catholism there is more than one way to 'go to heaven'. To officially become part of our faith, there are many rituals. The simplest of which is baptism. There are 3 basic ways to get baptized. One is the baptism most people receive at birth, baptism of water. You get water poured on your forehead as a sign of purity. We believe this removes Original Sin from our souls, the sin Adam and Eve commited in the Garden of Eden. Jesus himself said to Nicodemus, one of the Pharisees at the time, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Baptism does this for us.

The 2nd way to get baptized is through Baptism of Blood. If you die a martyr's death for a just cause (when I say just, I mean just as in our own faith and in humanity's case. So a suicide mission for one faith would hardly allot as a 'just cause'.) then you would get a baptism into the Catholic Faith.

The 3rd way would be to get a Baptism of Desire. If the person who dies, was avidly seeking a true means to Heaven, and would take baptism if he understood its full meaning, then he would be baptized with the baptism of desire.

Even if you are baptized, you may or may not go to heaven. If you are baptized immediately before you die, with good intention, then all your sins will be removed.

In Christianity, sins are measured in context. As in venial and mortal sins. A venial sin might consist of mild gossiping. A mortal sin might consist of murdering or stealing a large amount of money. If you have a mortal sin when you die, then you have chosen, out of your own free will, to send yourself to heck (currently the Pope has asked from Catholic theologians and philosophers to try and come up with ideas that will explain this more fully to non-believers.) If you die with venial sins on your soul, you will not go to heck, but you will not go to Heaven either. You will go to Purgatory.

Purgatory is a state of the unknown. It has not been elaborated by the Church clearly, perhaps on purpose. If you go to purgatory, then you will have to pay the penance for your sins on earth. One of our theologians describes it as, "However strong your moral standards were on earth, they will be in Purgatory. Your moral standards will be like a castle besieged, the thicker [or stronger your moral standards are] your walls will be. There are certain prayers to release people from purgatory. At the end of time, all in purgatory will be released and sent to Heaven.

Perhaps this clears up some things. Please criticize, it doesn't offend, I like a good discussion. That goes for everyone. :D

I consider myself a Christian but a lot this sounds new to me. I personally stick to what the Bible says so I allow a lot of things to be unknown. I don't like to interpolate, if you know what I mean. Anyway, the biggest issue that comes up now is, "What is the Bible? How was it put together? What gives the early church leaders the authority to decide what goes in?" and so on.

In the Catholic Bible there are a few differences. It has a few more books to it. Also the 10 commandments are numbered differently than yours. We believe the Church is infallible in matters of religion. If the Pope was to make a wrong rule then he would be struck dumb, or something of the kind.

In my faith, called Christadelphians (brothers and sisters in Christ) there is no stupid trinity nonsense, only adult baptism and quite alot of doctrine, and everyone reads their Bible, its not just some priest making up ideas as he goes along and feeding them to an ignorant audience. The Pope is a load of rubbish, and when Jesus returns (as in Revelation and Ezekial, he will oppose Christ, naming Jesus as the anti-Christ), we all know however that the Catholic church has manipulated Christianity for years, starting with Emporer Constaintine in Rome.... :roll:

In my faith, called Christadelphians (brothers and sisters in Christ) there is no stupid trinity nonsense, only adult baptism and quite alot of doctrine, and everyone reads their Bible, its not just some priest making up ideas as he goes along and feeding them to an ignorant audience. The Pope is a load of rubbish, and when Jesus returns (as in Revelation and Ezekial, he will oppose Christ, naming Jesus as the anti-Christ), we all know however that the Catholic church has manipulated Christianity for years, starting with Emporer Constaintine in Rome.... :roll:
Hardly an ignorant audience. Some of the greatest brains in the world were and are Catholic. And as making up things as they go takes decades to get a new system created, all the while under intense scrutiny for heresy.

How can the Catholic Church manipulate Christianity, if Christianity sprang from the Catholic Church?

Quick question: Why do Catholics say that Christianity came from the Catholic church? As far as I know it, anybody who follows Christ is Christian (Christ follower) and I'm inclined to believe that people followed Christ ever since he started preaching. It makes a lot more sense if someone said that Christianity came from Judaism though.

Quick question: Why do Catholics say that Christianity came from the Catholic church? As far as I know it, anybody who follows Christ is Christian (Christ follower) and I'm inclined to believe that people followed Christ ever since he started preaching. It makes a lot more sense if someone said that Christianity came from Judaism though.
Earlier in the world, if you were a Catholic, you were a Christian. There were no Lutherans or Baptists. Only Catholic Christians. Nowadays, you can be a Lutheran Christian, or a Baptist Christian, without being Catholic. The Church was one until its split up.

Christianity didn't exactly sprout from Judaism, as is completely on a different track. Jews believe that the Saviour has not yet come. In a way, you could say we have our roots in Judaism.

Still, Christ even subtly mocked the Jews for their upheld traditions.


[SIZE=12pt]I be waitin'[/SIZE]

they be hatin'

Asa wrote about Purgatory. Where do You find the work Purgatory in the Bible?
Depends if you use the Catholic Bible or the Protestant. The Catholic Bible has the word Purgatory. St. Paul even talks about it. Catholics believe that their is more to the faith than the Bible.

No offence Asa but, you say that in your faith there are many rituals, One, being baptised, Being baptised was an outward sign that you were a follower of Christ (2nd in the trinity) and after Christ was gone he would send the Comforter to them that they would not be alone ( St John: 14:16 to 26, verse 26 speaks of the Holy Ghost, the 3rd in the trinity) [/b " But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." You say the Catholics believe there is more than one way to heaven... The Holy Bible in John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him: Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. No where does it state that there is another way to Heaven, John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. also see John 2:1 My little children, these things I write unto you, that you sin not, and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father,(1st in the trintiy)[/b] Jesus Christ the righteous. This is the part that tells me I am to talk to Jesus when I sin, not man. You can confess your sins to men, James: 5.16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

I am reading out of the Kings James version. I have at hand any number of Bibles from many different versions including the Jeromes Latin Transalation Vulgate, The American Standard, La Santa Bibilca,

Darby's Translation, Youngs Literal Bible Tran., Weymouths NT in Modern Speech, New Kings James, New International version, The New Revised Standard Version and the New Revised Standard version with the Apocrypha, Living Bible, Micro Bible, Morris Literal Translation of Hebrew & Greek, New American Bible with Apocrypha, New Jerusalem Bible with Apocrypha ... and many nore...

One thing we must remember, that man, (humans) like to add things that make life easier for them, the shortest way to get somewhere is point to point or as the crow flies. Man does not want the easy way (being born again) because that would mean giving up their sins, Jesus told the woman who was brought to him by the scribes & pharisee in John 8:11 go & sin no more. He forgave her of her adulterest ways, but she was warned not to do it again.

Christians, is as Ogiga states: Christians are followers of Christ, hence the word Christian comes from the word CHRIST.

Oh one more thing, Catholics were not the first Christians. No where in the Bible is the word Catholics, Lutherans, Protestant or otherwise. These are man made name given to sects of different faiths.

ps, the referance to 1st 2nd 3rd is for the "stupid trinity" indication by someone else.

The last book Revelations 22: 18 & 19 say For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

No offence Asa but, you say that in your faith there are many rituals, One, being baptised, Being baptised was an outward sign that you were a follower of Christ (2nd in the trinity) and after Christ was gone he would send the Comforter to them that they would not be alone ( St John: 14:16 to 26, verse 26 speaks of the Holy Ghost, [b](the 3rd in the trinity) [/b ]But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father (1st in the trinity)[/u] will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.)[/color] You say the catholics believe there is more than one way to heaven,,, The Holy Bible in John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him: Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. No where does it state that there is another way to Heaven, John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. also see John 2:1 My little children, these things I write unto you, that you sin not, and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. This is the part that tells me I am to talk to Jesus when I sin, not man. You can confess your sins to men, James: 5.16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.I am reading out of the Kings James version. I have at hand any number of Bibles from many different versions including the Jeromes Latin Transalation Vulgate, The American Standard, La Santa Bibilca,

Darby's Translation, Youngs Literal Bible Tran., Weymouths NT in Modern Speech, New Kings James, New International version, The New Revised Standard Version and the New Revised Standard version with the Apocrypha, Living Bible, Micro Bible, Morris Literal Translation of Hebrew & Greek, New American Bible with Apocrypha, New Jerusalem Bible with Apocrypha ... and many nore...

One thing we must remember, that man, (humans) like to add things that make life easier for them, the shortest way to get somewhere is point to point or as the crow flies. Man does not want the easy way (being born again) because that would mean giving up their sins, Jesus told the woman who was brought to him by the scribes & pharisee in John 8:11 go & sin no more. He forgave her of her adulterest ways, but she was warned not to do it again.

Christians, is as Ogiga states: Christians are followers of Christ, hence the word Christian comes from the word CHRIST.

Oh one more thing, Catholics were not the first Christians. No where in the Bible is the word Catholics, Lutherans, Protestant or otherwise. These are man made name given to sects of different faiths.

ps, the referance to 1st 2nd 3rd is for the "stupid trinity" indication by someone else.

The last book Revelations 22: 18 & 19 say For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Why shouldn't there be more than one way to heaven? To get to heaven is to believe in God. If a man followed his own moral standards as well as he could, without seeing the light of Jesus, then I see no reason he should not go to heaven.

As to saying your sins to a priest, Jesus says to the Apostles in the Bible, "That whoevers sins you forgive are forgiven, whoevers sins you retain, are retained." thus giving the Apostles the role of the first Bishops.

What I meant by 'First Christians' that they were the first man named 'Christians'. So technically they were the first 'Christians'.
