Coronavirus: Thoughts?


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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2018
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There's a new disease that almost all of the world is in a panic over: the coronavirus. Stores are sold out of toilet paper, bleach, cleaning supplies, and masks. Economy is going crazy. Schools are closing, events are being cancelled and hospitals in some places are completely overrun. Thousands have contracted the virus, thousands have died, but more have recovered. How is the coronavirus affecting you? Are you scared of it? Do you think the media is blowing it up too much, or is there truth behind everything they say? Thoughts? 

- MantisGirl13 

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There have been 2 cases near me, I’m pretty terrified as my school doesn’t have the best hygiene, the media is 100% blowing up waaaay to much, and there isn’t enough truth behind what they say.

For mysellf i am not that scared. But for my 94 year old grandma I am. She isn't very fit lately. I am having just a normal cold.

Here in The netherlands. they are keeping the schools open, but tell ppl to work at home if it is possible. In my city there are 4 that I know of. But they don't test everybody. So i think there must be more. I hope they will recover soon and life can back to normal.

The prizes of those surgical masks are crazy when you look for them online. Keep in mind there are going some ppl to be very rich of this virus.

At the moment me and the family are doing our bit as directed by the government to slow the onset of Coronavirus.

Social distancing, kids been told to wait off school. Restricting movement outside and keeping 3 metres away from the neighbours and everyone else. Got a 18 month old that struggles to get rid of a normal cold and my chest isn’t great at the best of times. We would probably be ok and get over it as most people do, but at the same time I’m not going to risk catching it and then passing it on. 

Lots of people here don’t even cover their mouths when their coughing. Dirty gits here would cough and sneeze all over you.

I'm lucky to be working from home. I just hope business is strong enough that there aren't lay offs for me or my coworkers.

Its a real thing that's happening. The saying "time will tell"... we don't have too long a wait in N America.

Canada is closed to everyone except Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and US citizens. Only four airports are landing international flights.

Schools are closed, restaurants are doing takeout / delivery orders only. Theaters, gyms, recreational centers are closed. Clubs are being asked not to open.

424 confirmed, 16 probable. And its out in the community now.

Anyway, watch this video!

I am not afraid of it, but I think it will get a lot worse before it gets better. It will be bad for the groups that are vulnerable(elders, children). People are spending money like crazy on supplies so this should help the economy while we push through. 

My estimate is up to 2 months before we peak and get it under control. The government will probably step in and shut everything down. Best thing you can do is support the president to keep everyone calm and civil. Worst thing we need is a zombie apocalypse because of all the panicking morons. 

All is crazy here in Ohio. Shopping centers empty, told fed ex guy yesterday when he was saying how weird it was to see it empty, I told him it

looks like Christmas! he agreed.  Stores are sold out of a lot of stuff. I went to buy some things the other day and the cashier gave me attitute cause I had extra bags of rice in my cart.  (but could be cause I was wearing a mask and gloves) I'm thinking, you dont know how many mouths I have to feed. Course some of them are not human, but hey, I love

my bugs!!!  Plus hubby is disabled and I hav 5 grandchildren to help feed, plus not sure who else will come around looking for food. I did not buy tp though, I can use leaves if I have to or just go around with a dirty butt!!! I did buy some tea at the dollar store, not worth it as it has no taste, but if someone is sick, hopefully it will help them.

What are you guys doing to starve off starvation if things get bad? i am not eating my bugs.

Don't worry, I'll come over and eat your bugs if you can't.

A sign of the times. 😪

Cute as these raggamuffin no-school brats look, it tears my heart up.



Here in NL we are going into second week of half "lockdown"   I have a cold so have to stay  at home and dat is no fun. Hubby is still at work but he avoid big groups of ppl.

My bugs won't starve to dead. Tomorrow will  arivive the food for the ghost and Sheralynn. So they have food enough. and I have fuitflies for the little ones. They don't grab the baby grasshoppers yet. but I think they will after their next molt.

hmm,saw a big fat balck fly with sheralynns name on it. I hope I can catch that thing alive.

Catching blue bottle flies and crane flies for my smaller mantids and I found my male ghost who is now an adult, loves crane flies!

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I’m a pulmonary and critical care physician. This virus causes a phenomenon called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that drops oxygen levels dangerously low in the blood. Unfortunately for the vast majority of viruses, there is no ‘treatment’. We typically support the patient’s oxygen levels, blood pressure, and other basics for human life until the body is able to fend off the virus. There is no solid science yet behind any of these proposed treatments, and I doubt any will work in the end. It’s going to take weeks but distancing and good hygiene will likely be the ticket for stopping this. Hang in there!


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