creo mating


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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
Ontario, California
the male i got for my girls seems not to be interested. after getting up next to the gal i decided to take pictures of them and maybe film the process. but he was very interested in the little green light on my camera and kept jumping at it. (which every time scared the farts outta me) so i decided to just set it aside and watch them from a distance. he jumped and fluttered to the floor several times before i decided to call it a night. is there anything other than "if at first you do not succeed, try, try again!" that people would suggest?


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Is your female calling already? She looks thin from the photo. If you get them bred, any way you could sell him to me after you're done?

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i know that two out of the three have been calling from what ive seen. they bend their abdomen downward all funny.

and she is as fat as she would let me get her, she is refusing anymore food. she is stuffed from what it seems.

also, he has his hands full. their are two others waiting their turn.

Just keep trying,some take multiple times just for the male to really want to mount her even if shes called,all trial and waiting less you catch them when both are receptive :)

when I had my creos I just fed them all they could eat for a few days prior and then put the pair I wanted to mate in an enclosure together overnight. I have 3 pairs so I figured I could use a different male if one got eaten but all three survived the mating process and started pushing out more ooths than I could keep up with.

I you only have one pair i would do the whole watch them thing but my experience was three out of threee with no casualty.

feed well and be sure they have alot of space...the males can fly so plenty of excape room is helpfull.

good luck!

no, he hopped on her back twice last night but she pushed him off
give her something to eat before you bring the male to her. it'll keep her distracted, especially if it's a big meal. I placed my creos in a mesh laundry hamper so the male has room to fly away if the female decides to attack.

give her something to eat before you bring the male to her. it'll keep her distracted, especially if it's a big meal. I placed my creos in a mesh laundry hamper so the male has room to fly away if the female decides to attack.
and she is still pushing him off

its so f'ing frustrating




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