Dmina's mantid collection in progression 2014


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ok... last addition to this thread for today... LOL I need to take pictures of the rest... and then upload them to photo bucket... another couple hour process...LOL if the mantis are in a co-operating mood!

Here is my Wahlii .. (first generation) Right? Babies of my first pair?

Thinks itself to be "too cute"

My Orchid eating a fishfly... first the fish fly want to be friends...

Then it gets carried away ... and pushes a little to hard...

and then.... Friendship ended!

My Cryptics... such a cute poser...

I will catch up with the rest tomorrow or Friday... Thanks for looking in... I'll be back...

LOL that mayfly just isnt the best at making friends i guess! xD

Nice photos, great to see they get a vacation outdoors. I'm to afraid to try it with mine, they could run off too quickly or a dang robin/crow/etc swoop in too.

Nice to see that the orchid is living it up in the fairy tank as Godzilla - flipping over the bench and such, what a beast :D

My son said almost the same thing... asking if she had a riot in there over leaving her here ... and not taking her on vacation!

She wedged herself in the far corner of the tank (for the living room light, under a leaf) she was not seeing her food, so I let her climb on to the bench... in which she would not move from underneath... I know... long story.. sorry

Thank you Alex! I ran out of my "likes" quota for the day...

I ordered C. elegans.. so I never checked what it was supposed to look like??? I will go check now.. but it does not look like my other D. lobata?

My son said almost the same thing... asking if she had a riot in there over leaving her here ... and not taking her on vacation!

She wedged herself in the far corner of the tank (for the living room light, under a leaf) she was not seeing her food, so I let her climb on to the bench... in which she would not move from underneath... I know... long story.. sorry

Thank you Alex! I ran out of my "likes" quota for the day...

I ordered C. elegans.. so I never checked what it was supposed to look like??? I will go check now.. but it does not look like my other D. lobata?
I figured something like that, but it sure sounds funnier the other way. ;) Glad to see someone else thought that's what happened too lol.

this guy is a Polyspilota mantis...

Still not sure on the other guy in that post... The one I was calling C. elegans..

That was wrong...but have not got an answer for the guy I got it from???

Yep it is a lobata...was just confirmed by sender... will add new pics tomorrow...

this guy is a Polyspilota mantis...

Still not sure on the other guy in that post... The one I was calling C. elegans..

That was wrong...but have not got an answer for the guy I got it from???
Glad you figured out what the lil nymphs are!

Yes, it is a lot better if I am sharing correct info here...LOL

Well I got a few more.. I am going to have to get the smaller ones tomorrow..

but here are a few more to share..

• Sphodromantis viridis (African Mantis)

• Miomantis paykulli (Egyptian Mantis)

• Pnignomantis medioconstricta (Double Shield Mantis)

Who me? I have what??? LOL

At the end of my street is a lake... and they are everywhere... at night they would be flocking lights... I think they like fresh water, not oceans... I will get a pic if possible tonight... They only live 2 days or I would be sending them out to people.. but by the time they make it through the mail... most if not all would be dead... this is the scientific name - order Ephemeroptera

ok.. finally got some pics of the smaller mantis

Here are the Aconsista's, I am not sure what I think of them? .. they are cute and very sweet.. but I thought they would be bigger... and start resembling mantis... but so far, they just remind me of ants...

Aconsista multicolor...

Aconsista sp. not sure what species yet... but cute green face

And sad to say but I am saying goodbye to the last of my green ghost girls... she ran out of ooths about 4 or 5 weeks ago... and the last couple of days has been moving around her habitat quite slowly and hesitant.. and just letting her back legs just hanging.. So last night her and I sat together, her cradled in my hand, just watching T.V... I gave her a little taste of honey, which she enjoyed, a little water... and she just stayed with me quietly... she knew I was there to comfort her.. I put her in a box with a bed of paper towel, and during the night she passed... Rest in peace little mama.. she has left me with quite a few of her offspring for my next generation...

Here is a picture of her last night...

Back to and upbeat note...

My T.elegans are growing fast.. but not big.. I really thought they would be a little bigger... but they are cute as a button

and one has just got it's wings

How cute is that... I had no idea they were ready for their wings... this one spent it's life in a 4 oz deli cup!

and here is my Idolo nymphs

and a couple pics of double fisted feeders..

I also wanted to thank mantidbro & LAME for working so hard to try to id these guys for me..

We are thinking they are Polyspilota - Marbled Mantis I guess we will just have to wait til they get a little larger to know for sure

Thanks again guy for helping me out!

Thanks for looking in... will update again soon...

ok.. finally got some pics of the smaller mantis

Here are the Aconsista's, I am not sure what I think of them? .. they are cute and very sweet.. but I thought they would be bigger... and start resembling mantis... but so far, they just remind me of ants...

Aconsista multicolor...

Aconsista sp. not sure what species yet... but cute green face

And sad to say but I am saying goodbye to the last of my green ghost girls... she ran out of ooths about 4 or 5 weeks ago... and the last couple of days has been moving around her habitat quite slowly and hesitant.. and just letting her back legs just hanging.. So last night her and I sat together, her cradled in my hand, just watching T.V... I gave her a little taste of honey, which she enjoyed, a little water... and she just stayed with me quietly... she knew I was there to comfort her.. I put her in a box with a bed of paper towel, and during the night she passed... Rest in peace little mama.. she has left me with quite a few of her offspring for my next generation...

Here is a picture of her last night...

Lol theyre so little!

Aww sorry about your green girl, may she rest in peace!

Back to and upbeat note...

My T.elegans are growing fast.. but not big.. I really thought they would be a little bigger... but they are cute as a button

and one has just got it's wings

How cute is that... I had no idea they were ready for their wings... this one spent it's life in a 4 oz deli cup!

and here is my Idolo nymphs

and a couple pics of double fisted feeders..

You got idolos, awesome!

Haha eating with both hands! I love when they do that x)

I also wanted to thank mantidbro & LAME for working so hard to try to id these guys for me..

We are thinking they are Polyspilota - Marbled Mantis I guess we will just have to wait til they get a little larger to know for sure

Thanks again guy for helping me out!

Thanks for looking in... will update again soon...
Youre welcome! Theyre cool lil guys, stripey!
