Dmina's mantid collection in progression 2014


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yeah the pictures throws you off a little, they appear to be t. Sin... With the coloring and face marks. I was judging based off those last two photos... They look bigger than a stagmo to me and also resemble alot of what my baby looked like when she was younger ( Tenodera.)

but, at the same time you're right about the Stagmomantis and their camo, ive seen all kinds of different colors and patterns where I live.

LOL.. I was thinking the problem was the flash... or lighting... they are smaller them my T. sinensis... They all picked the color they wanted to be.. :clown:

Thats awesome, i've got a female Carolina who's crazy lime green... way greener than my T sin, and she's pretty green. when i first found my male Carolina he was a crazy camo pattern ( photos in gallery.) but eventually changed colors after hitting presub,sub, and adulthood.

i ended up mating my two Carolinas awhile back and so far the females produced 6 ooths. Whenever i hatch one i was going to try running the color change test again and see if i can mange to catch something unique.

Could be tenodera angustipennis those are smaller than sinensis but have the same look. Look for a dot on the chest between the arms. Yellow or orange. These are definitely tenodera not stagmo... Sorry!

Could be tenodera angustipennis those are smaller than sinensis but have the same look. Look for a dot on the chest between the arms. Yellow or orange. These are definitely tenodera not stagmo... Sorry!
I can't rule out a mix up in on Denise's end... but I can guarantee there are Carolina's somewhere in there. Here's their birth, several months apart from my Chinese hatch (nearly all of which were adult by this time).

The ooths are easy enough to identify.

I don't think I mixed them up... But... ? Now that I have you all interested ...

We are just going to have to wait til the next molt...

I will check for dots tomorrow...

The ones in the photos are certainly not S. carolina. They resemble Tenodera quite a lot so I am pretty sure they are Tenodera (likely Tenodera sinensis because that is a widespread species in the United States, but T. angustipennis is possible.).

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What does the yellow dot? or the orange dot mean?... My Chinese have Yellow dots?
the chinese have yellow dots, the angustipennis have orange. Both of the tenodera genus. Only chinese is sinensis. And angustipennis are commonly referred to as the narrow winged mantis. I do think it is reliable though. Ive had both sinensis and angustipennis.
I took some new pics today

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii.. She is eating a B.B. spike

Creobroter sp. also eating a B.B. spike

Blepharopsis mendica

I would love to try and picture all 3 together.. but I am going to have to do that when I have another set of hands available...

I had a few more molt so I thought I would add an update..Here are my boxers..

Have you ever started taking pictures of these guys.. and it seems like they are prancing for you?

Well that is how these 2 were today.. so going to post them in a separate post...

Here are my African Giant Mantis ...

Today was moving day for my mantis ...

You've been busy, and looks like you have a hobby inside the mantis hobby - building mantis homes :D

One of my carolina's molted here are the pics..

All the rest should be molting soon... everyone of them look different I will post them when they molt


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