I haven't watched any of the videos so I have no opinion on them, but I understand what AxolotlsAreCoolToo is trying to say when he references masculine/feminine.
Masculine and feminine have nothing to do with sex in the sense he is using the terms. In regard to nature and psychology you can assume the following traits for each.
Active, literal, rational, reductionist, oppressive, hierarchic, conscious mind, conquest, external authority, symetrical
Passive, figurative, irrational, holistic, submissive, nonhierarchical, unconscious mind, assimilation, internal authority, organic
Science is a literalist/rationalist/reductionist venture. Taxonomy is reductionist/hierarchic.
Mime454 took his statement to relate to the sexes because he is a literalist/rationalist/reductionist thinker.
Gripen thinks the Constitution of the United States of America is
just a piece of paper because he is a literalist/rationalist/reductionist, and from that perspective, yes, it is just a piece of paper.
And therein lies the basis of AxolotlsAreCoolToo's comments. A balanced mind can see the inherent value in both perspectives while understanding that neither can embody the whole of truth. So the Constitution is just a piece of paper, but with some very profound principles written upon it. A masculine consciousness will see the paper. A feminine consciousness will grasp only the principles. A balanced mind will see both perspectives.
Science would have us believe that the universe is constantly moving toward chaos (i.e. the second law of thermodynamics; The tendency for entropy to increase in isolated systems), yet we see complex, balanced order everywhere we look. Likewise we are to believe that complex life forms evolve through a process of random mutations in which the fittest survive. Meanwhile we see indications of
intention behind specific evolutionary trends, such as metamorphosis, aerodynamics/flight, and camouflage incorporating direct mimicry of local predators. To a balanced mind science does not explain how this can be. Evolution is used as a catch-all and any who question how chaos leads to complex order are shunned and belittled.
Intelligent design, on the other hand, is a reductionist attempt to produce a literal/rational explanation for figurative/irrational concepts - and so, a complete waste of time. While Creationism is a complete cop out.
Equally interesting is the gusto with which literalist/rationalist/reductionist minds eat up ideas such as dark matter and The Big Bang which are equivalent to fairy dust and mythology taken literally.
Meanwhile, the deeper science delves into matter and the universe the more figurative/irrational/holistic it is forced to become. Matter is mostly empty space, particles are also waves, quantum entanglement allows for "spooky action at a distance", the spin of a particle may express only half-integer values, Feynman diagrams suggest that quantum interactions are equally valid in either direction of time, and so on. It is becoming apparent that the literalist/rationalist/reductionist model is incapable of expressing the whole of truth.
Unfortunately, organized Christianity, too, is masculine as it is literalist/authoritarian/hierarchic. The Catholic church has worked very hard over the last 2,000 years to suppress the feminine, which they did not only through philosophical exercises but also literally through oppression of women.
The history of the world since the rise of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) is a masculine history of authoritarianism, bloodshed, and conquest. The feminine current was purged from the world through the destruction of the 'pagan' religions along with the associated disconnect of humanity from the spiritual/instinctual realm. Allegorical religious texts became literal histories, and heaven became a literal place rather than a state of mind. And so we find ourselves in an ugly world where nature and even other human beings are judged by their potential monetary value, because this is how literalists are forced to see the world. Only matter exists, therefore only material concerns matter. You can't prove what you feel therefore your feelings and intuitions are worthless.
Frankly, I feel sorry for any who lack connection to the wonder embodied within the unconscious mind. This is where all unrealized potential exists, the pool we draw from through the creative process. Most only touch upon this realm in dream, then write it off as nonsense upon awakening. But those in touch with the feminine current are able to bring that potential through to conscious life. Those are the geniuses, like Einstein - whose theory of relativity is a profound statement pointing out that time is NOT a constant and, therefore, illusion depending upon conscious observation (Time is
relative to the observer), proving in scientific terms what the mystics have stated since man's prehistory.
...END RANT...