Do you like tarantulas?


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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Who on this forum like tarantulas? I find them interesting inverts to keep.

I do... Ironic considering I don't like house spiders... :?

Ah well, yeah i've kept Tarantulas for a few years now.


All bugs interrest me. I guess I never grew up. At least that's what my wife says :shock: .

Yeah, Love 'em. I used to have thousands but had to get rid of them when we moved into a pub. Now we are back home I have started again but wont be doing it as big. So far I have about 15 tarantulas, 19 scorpions and about 25 mantids. I also have 2 sinensis ootheca, 1 centralis ottheca, 1 gongy ootheca and 1 P. aeruginosa ootheca on the way and a male H. grandid to go with my newly moulted female.

last I counted I had 16 species and ~70 individuals. I've been keeping them almost 6 years now. Way easier to keep than mantids...and live much much much longer!

By the way, Jesse do you have any Orange Baboon Spiders left for sale? I am interested in one. 8)

cmon mantids aenrt that hard to keep i think they are really easy
It depends on how many you are keeping. If you are breeding more than 4 species then the upkeep can become time consuming.

I used to have a pair of emperor scorpions that I bred. Had 17 little ones but 2 days later and a dozen crickets the female ate the little ones. It agrivated me so bad I gave up on scorpions.

It happens becuase the baby scorpions must have fell off the mothers back....she mistakes them for food.

Nah I read :lol: ( I keep tarantulas though ).....but it happens I have seen it on Animal Planet.

Most of the time when that happens in captivity its because the mom doesnt feel safe. If she feels stressed, she will most likely eat her brood. Im guessing that it was all the crickets running around the tank that made her feel unsafe or stressed.



cmon mantids aenrt that hard to keep i think they are really easy
Never said they were hard did I? I can go on vacation for 3 weeks and not worry about my T's, but my mantids....that's another story. I don't have to continuously breed my T's to be able to keep the species I want for more than a year. I still like both, but I like T's a little more.
