Doing a Q&A on Mantis Care at a big event tomorrow! Would love some input!


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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2015
Reaction score
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Hiya MantidForum folks!

So I'm going to be doing a Q&A tomorrow (Saturday) at a large event dedicated to arthropods at a science museum*. There will be lots of kiddos there and I'll have my pet mantis with me. Don't worry, she'll be safely in her enclosure with very little travel time and close to me---away from tapping fingers! ;)

The Q&A is going to be on responsibly caring for mantises and while I've picked up so much knowledge on casual bug-keeping, I'd love to hear if you seasoned bug keepers have some wisdom you'd like to impart. I'm definitely going to be name-dropping the MantidForum since I don't know how I could've navigated mantis care on my own, so I'd love input from y'all before I go in tomorrow!

Again, there will be lots of kids there and the focus will be on just keeping pets and not breeding, so I'd like to make sure things are more focused on basic care (feeders/feeding, enclosures, preparing for molts, how to handle them, where to buy them/how to catch them, etc) and want to keep it easy for kids to understand.

Sorry for not doing this earlier, but everything's just been such a whirlwind (literally and figuratively) and I feel pretty prepared since it's mostly basic, but I still would love to hear from the people who have helped me so muchover these two years! I'm attaching a bit of the post that was made on our Facebook page to show you some of the things I'll probably touch on, but it's by no means comprehensive and I get the feeling a lot of it will be about my personal experiences/feelings as well as some anthropomorphism xD

Anyway, have at it, folks! It's tomorrow at 4:30pm EST so if you have something you'd like me to say, don't delay! :)  

mantis info 1.JPG

EDIT: Probably need to extend the maximum age to a year and a half. Also, I may add something about hatching ooths you find outside and that you can keep L1s together?

mantis info 2.JPG

EDIT: I'll pecify that any NON-NATIVE species should not be released in the wild instead of ones just being ordered online because if you order a native species online obviously you could release it if you're not hand-feeding.

mantis info 3.JPG

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I know I'm too late, but I just wanted to say that the above all looks good.  I hope the event went well!


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