I have been wanting and needing to update my Breeder Feedback review on Don L. for quite a while now. But I've hesitated... first of all waiting on ooths to hatch, and/or his part of a "trade" to come through. But I can no longer in good conscience put this review off. Don L. is not only a very poor breeder and unreliable trader, but also someone who I believe has stooped to outright lies and deception to avoid recompense for worthless deals with him that he has made money on.
I first dealt with Don in December of 2008. I purchased 2 Pseudoharpax virescens ooths and 3 Ephestiasula pictipes ooths. Of the P. virescens ooths, only one hatched... one single nymph, who died the next day. The other did not hatch at all. None of the 3 E. pictipes ooths ever hatched. When appraised of the situation, no immediate recompense was offered... just promises that he would "make up for it" in future dealings/trades.
In February 2009, I purchased 2 Creobroter elongata ooths from him. One of them produced 5 nymphs, the other never hatched.
As Don knew I was keeping quite a few different species, he wrote me many times asking/offering to engage in an ongoing trading arrangement for our mutual benefit. At first I thought it was a good idea, as it seemed he was also keeping and breeding, or planning to acquire different species. And he was quite interested in acquiring some of the species I was keeping at the time. When I expressed my disappointment with previous purchases from him, and hesitation to engage in any future business, Don agreed that his track record with ooth hatchings wasn't good; but he assured me I would be compensated most grandly in the future with special and wonderful species he was working on obtaining.
He continued writing to me quite a bit, hinting at grand plans for bringing in unusual mantis species, and bragging that he was perhaps the only one in the world who could acquire them... and boasting of visions of himself becoming "THE mantis breeder/supplier of the US and the world. Many times he mentioned "top secret" plans in the works of him obtaining and introducing new and unheard of, never before seen species of mantids into the hobby. And several times he gloated on the prospect of "naming" them after himself.
Although feeling increasingly uncomfortable with continuing any business with him at all, I eventually agreed to send him a selection of mantids and ooths I had that he was interested in, with promises that I would be especially and handsomely rewarded in return with exclusive species he was obtaining. He asked for, and I sent him the remaining Creobroter elongata and Sybilla pretiosa nymphs I had to make pairs with what he had, a fertile young adult female Tenodera sinensis female that he wanted to enrich the bloodlines of his local species, 2 fertile Phyllovates chlorophaea ooths, 1 fertile Pseudoharpax virescens ooth, 2 packed and producing fruit fly cultures he needed at the time (1 D. hydei, and 1 wingless D. melanogaster), and a container of feeder crickets. These were all sent on March 31, 2009. His reply upon receiving my shipment: "Thanks so much for the huge package of mantises, ooths, and food items - when I saw the box, I literally went "Wow!". You do a great job packing too/experience pays. I am excited about the new species from you - thank you so much, and rest assured, there will be some very cool and "special" returns from me before long!"
Incidentally, he never bothered to post even one Breeder Feedback review for me; even though I had previously sold and sent him 5 new heat packs at cost (actually at a loss to me, given I did not include shipping I originally paid to receive them). And I had given him two very positive reviews for the things he'd sent me... which unfortunately have ultimately proved not to have been deserved.
On May 3, 2009 received a "mixed bag" of several ooths each of 3 different species from Don... (Tenodera sinensis, Stagmomantis carolina, and Creobroter elongata). These were definitely not any "spectacular" species I had been promised to be getting; but I appreciated the thought, and felt confident at least some of these would finally hatch! But no such luck... not one single nymph ever hatched out of this entire batch of worthless ooths.
The last week of May, Don sent another Creobroter elongata ooth that he thought for sure would be fertile. It was one that they nymph I'd sent him a while back supposedly helped father. It has never hatched to date. He also sent me a "bonus" "Brownies" culture (this is a type of fly that is apparently common in his area, that he thought I would like to try to culture for feeders). But the culture never did anything... all it was, was a few maggots in a prescription bottle. They never even moved, and were apparently dead upon arrival. By this time I was becoming increasingly disappointed with trading relations with Don, and decided to cut my losses and not continue any further trading arrangements with him.
I never ordered any Idolo ooths from Don. But when Dave (LectricBlueyes) decided he had to get out of the hobby and get rid of all his stuff because he's starting a new business, I went up got/bought almost everything he had. On July 1, my son and I made a road trip to Chicago to purchase and pick up most of David's collection of mantids and supplies. He decided he couldn't continue in the hobby due to time constraints. At the time, he was expecting and waiting on a replacement Idolomantis diabolica ooth that Don had promised to send as a replacement for one he previously had bought, which had huge holes in it and appeared to have already hatched. With all the stuff I got from Dave, I got the Idol ooth Don sent Dave with the holes in it... has never hatched.
On July 3rd, as a result of his decision to leave the hobby, combined with my purchasing all of his collection (which included the Idolomantis ooth Don owed him), Dave instructed Don to just send the replacement Idolo ooth to me. This forced me to "deal" once more with Don, waiting on the Idolo ooth originally owed and promised to Dave. So what happens... he supposedly "sends" it (by "First Class" mail), and it never arrived. When I wrote him about it, he apologized for the USPS "losing" it, and said he was going to send me something else... something "special" that I didn't already have to make up for it. Ya, what... another dud ooth or two?
First of all you don't send the most expensive ooth in the mantis hobby by "First Class" mail (the cheapest option for sending letters, and not even correct for sending parcels). Cheap... that's how I would describe Don, and not caring as much about the mantids, as making a name for himself and money in the mantis hobby.
On July 6th, I received this PM from Don:
PM: Dave's IDOL ooth sent to you 7/6/09
Hi Becky.
I sent an Idolomantis diabolica ooth
to you for Dave Schultz this morning,
as per his request. First class. Please
let me know when you have received it.
Sent by Don L. on Jul 6 2009, 04:07 PM
The ooth never arrived, so on July 17th I wrote Don about it:
Hi Don,
I haven't received the ooth yet, and it's been 10 days now. Do you have any information or thoughts? Thanks...
He replied later that day: (July 17)
Hello Becky.
I sent it here:
Becky Heacox
(my correct address).
Large envelope, in plastic jar.
Not retuned to me as of today.
I have no other information/F.C.
Thoughts? I'm done importing these!
I will contact you when mine hatches.
I have just one Idolomantis diabolica.
And then again for a second time that day (July 17)
Hello again Becky.
I'm going to send something to you Monday, possibly Tuesday (day? I work near post office).
No, it's not my IDOL ooth, sorry! But it is something I would have sent long ago, if I had them.
And it won't add to your mantis care burden but just a bit. If you decide you don't want what you receive and would rather offer (it) to someone else, that's fine. But I bet you'll love them...
Another message for the 3rd time that day (July 17):
Sorry, lack of food/dinner ready finally soon. Meant to add that I would send possibly by delivery confirmation or other method which seems to get the items delivered properly
every time I've spent just a little extra. Wishing now I'd sent Dave's IDOL ooth insured...
Oh well.
Yes, "Oh well." :huh: :mellow: :angry:
Also on the same day, July 17, Don wrote this to Dave:
Hey Dave. I hope you are well. I hear you have gotten too busy to stay in the hobby. Well, I enjoyed our communications during. Becky wrote today to say she has not gotten the IDOL ooth I sent right after the 4th. I'm sure she would have loved them too, if it hatched. Only some
of the people who got IDOL ooths through me got hatches. Mine has not. I have just one partly grown nymph, and one ooth it's too soon to give up on. This last time the collector sent very good looking ooths, soft and white, with "lines" drawn on them instead of holes with dry edges... I am going to send Becky a new species ooth so she at least gets something from me. But this time I will send with delivery confirmation, or another method that always gets them there, for just a little extra money. Now I wish I'd sent the IDOL ooth insured (down to less than breaking even on those, but, live and learn I guess).
I'm almost positive he never even sent the Idolo ooth. He didn't seem aghast or worried about it not arriving at all.; he never even asked to wait and see if it might possibly arrive late... he just immediately said he will be sending me something else. I believe Don saw the opportunity to "lose" the ooth in the mail, and sent it to someone else who had complained about their unhatched, rotten, or holy ooth as a replacement. From the letter he wrote Dave about it... Dave wrote me and said, "I smell ********."
Don did then eventually send me 5 Ephestiasula pictipes ooths, 3 of which had black lines drawn under them. These 3 were (admitedly by Don) already hatched, but the other 2 were supposed to be his "replacement gift" to me in place of the "lost" Idolo ooth. Only one of the ooths ended up hatching, and in the post to boot. Due to the way he had packed them... on a stick banging around loose in a plastic cup, only 4 of them made the journey alive. Three died shortly after, and I have one left from the whole thing. So.... 1 E. pictipes nymph in place of an Idolo ooth..... gee, thanks, Don!!!

I really appreciate the thought.... not.
Before all this "lost" Idolo business... I had become increasingly "down" on continuing any correspondence or trade with Don. Here is a letter I wrote Phil about it on June 15, 2009.
Hi Phil,
I've been feeling uneasy about this for a little while now, but it's come to the point where it is really bothering me a lot. Don (DonL) and I have been corresponding for several months, and have done some trading. Not near as much of either as you and I, but enough that it has been more than just strictly business trading a couple of things. At first things he would say kind of bothered me a little. But now it's become obvious to me he is trying to exploit resources through his connections just to make money and a name for himself within the community. He's written several times about wanting to be the "biggest, greatest US breeder" and has even spoken several times of wanting to obtain new species and have them named after him. I thought it was kind of odd/off the wall when I'd read his comments like that... and it made me wonder. But now that he's taking orders to give to his "Collector" in Tanzania, I'm just nonplussed.
*(Edited some content as suggested by forum members)
--- I've been writing this letter since last night (well, I guess it would be the night before last now!). But it's strange... I'm editing and adding this part in here because I just talked with Dave earlier this evening on the phone. This afternoon, he wrote me an email to the effect of "what's up with Don?" He had different concerns than me, however... wondering if maybe he's gay, lonely, and interested in him? lol!! See... Don was previously writing me very long letters quite often, until I pretty much stopped responding, and have only written him a couple of brief replies in the past several weeks. Well, now he is writing Dave boookooodles of novel length letters that include "everything but telling me his bathroom breaks." Anyways, I told Dave of how I didn't really like what Don's been doing. But I decided not to get into it in depth with him, as he is one of the ones who has bought an Idolomantis ooth from Don. So I didn't want him to think I was mad at him... which I'm not. Anyways....
I drafted a letter that I'm trying to decide whether or not to send to him. It's bothering me so much I feel I have to say something. Should I send it, or should I just leave it alone? I don't want to burn any bridges... but my conscience tells me I don't want any future dealings with him anyway. And then there's the issue that maybe I'd rather just distance myself and avoid any conflict. Actually, I really would rather avoid any conflict. Maybe I'm just dumping this all on you to get it out of me (thanks, by the way!!).
I normally would only share (copy/paste) innocuous correspondence that the writer would have no objection to my sharing. I just feel I have to tell someone! And I don't know who else to share it with!! I think by reading some of his past comments in letters to me, maybe you can understand why I've come to feel as I have. I'm hoping you can give me your viewpoint on the matter, and help me decide what to do about it... because I feel like I'm bursting inside with anger over it! And I have to get it out.
First, here is the proposed draft I have written:
Hi Don,
I have to tell you... it's been bothering me very much lately how you've been taking orders for wild collected ooths from your "Collector" in Tanzania, then selling them to anyone and everyone. It doesn't seem you really care about these species, only that you can make money and a name for yourself from them.
If you had the Collector gather a few for you to start a breeding stock... it would be different. But you aren't having this person collect just a few ooths either for yourself, or to send to qualified breeders who can then breed them, and then create a captive bred stock of the species to distribute to hobbyists. By your instruction, he is harvesting and depleting the natural supply just so you both can make money. It's a blatant raping of species from the land. You are selling many of them to inexperienced keepers who have little chance of succeeding in breeding them successfully. And once those are all gone, where will anyone be... what of the future of the species in its natural habitat?
*(Edited some content as suggested by forum members)
I strongly do not agree with your practices and where your interests apparently lie, and I feel compelled to say something. Do as you wish... I do not expect you to change your ways because of my opinion. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I also can not in good conscience support what I view as your exploitation of rare species, so please consider our trading arrangements at a close.
(Note: I never did send the letter..... but I'm sure Don will be able to read it now.)
And here are some selections of previous correspondence he has written me (to give you an idea of our trading friendship/relationship, and of the things which have increasingly bothered me):
It is exasperating to try and find Idolomantis diabolica ooths or nynmphs, especially in the states. Will keep trying... until I have succussfully found several - well worth the investment if all goes well. Perhaps I will, down the road, become THE US breeder! LOL
Sent by Don L. on Feb 17 2009, 08:57 PM
Typing a lot, (too much? -sorry). Last thing to mention today is that My Parva freaked me out a little at feeding time today. She was laying on her side on the bottom of her home, acting a little stuck like we see when a molt goes wrong. One leg is curved, but that's all, not so bad, can recover by adulthood I think. I was sure she was doomed, spasms and all, but I did all the things I knew to try to make her stable again. Now ("WHEW!")... she's just fine. Strange species - somewhat delicate, reminds me of the Euros, the ones I grew up with. I've had those since (used to collect ooths when visiting family). Very pretty colors, but, for my "taste" in species, a little too delicate and shy to always have with my somewhat limited space. Back when I was in regular contact with Andy I would write about my attempts to cross the species with the Stagmomantises. I "fooled" a male Stag (Carolina Mantis) into copulation with a female Euro, and they stayed copulating a good while. The female never made an ooth. After noticing her "frustration" I decided to just release her into some Azalea shrubs because many Euro nymphs escaped into them upon hatching outside sooner than expected, the hatchout container having been left open to ventilate... too long and unattended. Collected many nymphs, but only the female made it to adulthood. The hope was that an escaped nymph male somehow made it to adulthood in the shrub row, and they would meet, me checking often to try and find a mating pair. But, sadly, she fell from my hand and burst open on the ground. Will try this hybridizing with perhaps some small flower mantis species, just to see if I can get a new hybrid species. I've seen briefly some posts of others attemps to do this, but haven't seen any successes just yet... Of course this may happen... "naturally" between the multiple flower mantis species *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members).
Sent by Don L. on Feb 12 2009, 04:36 PM
I hope you had a nice weekend w/bro and family! My Psuedoharpax virescens is an adult female now. My plan is to have her mate and make a bunch of ooths, which will be the beginning of the large population of these I hope to produce *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members)!, along with as many other small (flower?) mantis species that I can multiply and add *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members). There is time yet to get her mated, but I will go ahead and ask if you think that you and I can make this happen, with ooths back to you, or whatever other option may work for you?
If you have time, what are your thoughts today as to when and what we
can begin to trade? Let's toss some ideas around. I want to start multiplying those
species *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members), but also need to start getting loads of ooths to sell, as I have spent a small fortune on ooths, and am ready to start making back some of the money.
..much, much money IF I can get lucky with I.M.'s, etc...
Sent by Don L. on Mar 12 2009, 04:23 PM
PM: New Info - some is secretive...
Hey Becky.
Did you see where I have nymphs of a totally new species to the hobby, the "Big Brown Mantis" from Tanzania? Very hardy, NO bad hatches either! And guess what? I also have a small hatch of...you guessed it! - Idolomantis diabolicas! The biggest nymphs I've ever seen, by far, like a Ghost L3 or maybe even L4! Two have already ate a small housefly-like fly at L1! And I have another ooth of each, so with any luck, I will get a very large Idolomantis diabolica hatch this time! Please keep this updated information to yourself for now - thanks. I've offered and received overnight (posted late too) four responses already on the Big Browns. I am keeping the Idolomantises a secret for now... I know you are still thinking about our trade options, but I am tossing this in <---just to say it for the record---> - while I am still most interested in your Texas Unicorn Mantis ooths (2), your one (oh, sad - did one die?) Sybilla pretiosa, and the male Gambian Mantis (she's fat now...), I would like to offer to you a large group of this brand new species as part of the trade deal, if having a brand new species no one else but me so far even has..., though you may or may not still be thinking of "paring down" your collection. So please just let me know!
Here is the only information I could find, a sci. drawing of Heterochaeta occidentalis at:
http://mantids.de/3.html It is the 46th drawing down from the top. The only other page
with any info on the Heterochaeta species (2) lists both, the other being Heterochaeta reticulata. I am for now calling mine Heterochaeta occidentalis because the only "pic"/drawing is of this one species. I found absolutely NO info on H. reticulata. You're a web genius - if you feel like it, try searching other than google to see if you can find any info on either species... but only if you're curious. I did a very thourough search, and only found the page that listed two H. species, then the drawing of H. o. on another, an adult male. I will have to rear these and see if the adult males are the same as the H. o. drawing. If not, I will change their "name" to Heterochaeta reticulata.... Anywho, gotta get out and work to finish nice big job, as we are about to get several days of rain...on and off most likely, knowing Atlanta. But I have lots of work to get to.
So please let me know your thoughts on (all of) this when you get a minute, IF you get a minute...
Have a good day!
Sent by Don L. on Mar 24 2009, 08:50 AM
PM: Now we're dealing!
Hi Becky.
Let's see if I can keep this concise, and not too long...
I've saved the link with the drawing of Heterochaeta occidentalis should you become interested.
Heck, I should just name this truly unknown mantis after myself!!! Just kidding...sort of... lol
Thanks for keeping mum on the Idolo's. Actually, I just wrote the guy again tonight to see if he can collect more, and... any other Tanzanian Mantis species ooths he can recognize! Too bad the Idolo's didn't have the enormous hatch (only 7 likely to make it/one has bad forearms, and would not eat a smashed ff off a needle tip...maybe tomorrow?) that the Heterochaeta's did - hundreds! Bad English, sorry. Also please keep to yourself this quantity because I have not priced them yet. I'm eagerly awaiting new D. hydei supposed to come tomorrow. In another email I will literally shock you at what I've had to do to keep them alive this far with no food...but they are alive, so it's working... No rush on these because I have another ooth...chilled. Hope it doesn't die from cold, but I cannot handle/house/feed hundreds more of these...just yet. *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members). Not the original plan, and cannabolism will surely happen if this is indeed a large mantis...but one thing at a time, Don... Great news - no aphids to be found this early on roses, etc., but I really lucked out (after spending money for the ff's again...oh well...I have little doubt they'll get used with all these nymphs, and those still coming)! There is some variegated Vinca Major that has an Aphid colony on every new shoot, and there's hundreds of them. Cut off many of the "infected" tips and put in bottom of Heterochaeta containers. I hope they begin to eat tomorrow, as not one has yet, though I separated two and tried to feed them ff's - did not eat and it's day three... Am awaiting 2 Hymenopus coronatus and 2 Blepharopsis mendica ooths. He sent them 3/2, but I have not gotten them. Said he's checking into it. In truth, I once was interested in the Orchids, but I don't love their adult "look", or difficulty, though they will go easily and expensively when I do finally get them. If this just isn't going to work out, I will first ask what else he can suggest as an alternative...or tell him to hit Refund on PayPal... I have some time yet on that.
Of course I have you first in mind if I have good success with the Idolo's! May take some time to multiply them enough to begin parting with any, but...one step at a time. I'm actually already waiting on an ooth from the UK (the others came right off the Serengeti!), from a guy who is waiting to hear back from his "collector". Hope this happens soon 'cause I'm tired of slow dealings with all the difficult enough species!
I do have the five Chinese ooths from the huge female, but with the American Roaches acting invincible and bold, I wouldn't mind having a female around to eat them up. And, if she is fertile, I can mix genes down the road, so thank you! P. virescens offer sounds great - thanks! Your gift will help make them numerous, along with as many other species as I can gather by the time the garden fills in enough for good "cover". And great on the Unicorns too - I love their look, and an assuming they are similar to the Carolina Mantis...just differently patterned...lovely. I would love the two ooths you partially offered, if you can do that, because I could populate a very isolated area with extras for the Summer, then collect before they begin oothmaking so as not to introduce. No, not really interested in the Statilia parvas either, for the same reason as you, no doubt. Someone will want them, surely. And about the Sybilla pretiosa - mine finally made it to good vigor/health when I put "her" in a very large container (avoid that alcohol effect from the b. peel used to feed ff's). There is a large. leafy branch in there to naturally keep the humidity high enough - she molts fine (knock wood that continues...!) NO misting - too delicate, sure she'll get glued and die. She's just great now! And, I found and already paid for two more, but he can't send them for another week. I described how my two looked different, and he said his were the same...so I am betting heavily that there will be possibly two pairs of these, plus one, with yours. I absolutely will give you an ooth when I have one. And who knows, if all works out well, I may send you some adults once ooths come because I'm sure you'd enjoy seeing their adult form.
Any ooths you do send to me - can you please describe your incubation method for successful hatching? I'd really appreciate it because I know nothing about the temperate species diapause and incubation...I'm sure you remember I posted a question...and got a sort-of answer (not satisfied or confident yet, which is why I ask you). My Miomantises are doing just great, but so far two have died in molting - made it out fine, but then just turned dark and dead. Humph! I still have 11 or 12, *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members) - fast growers, that will be helpful.... The Acromantis formosanas are "ok", but also too timid. I have just one female who has eaten one male, but I have four more, only one in with her/all fed well, always now. He mounted many times, but did not copulate...until finally doing so like twice now. Time to give the other males a chance to spread their genes! Hope she makes many ooths, because though I don't really love this particular species, *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members).
I have 13 adult and near-adult Creobroter elongatas...and just one L2. if you send solo nymph to me, I can soon send you an ooth or two if you would like them. Don't worry that I won't then have enough for the garden - they are very prolific! Of course I probably have more males than females (haven't bothered to check sex of subs), but I do have two adult pairs already, so I'm sure I'm all set for a good, large population of these, and soon enough!
Nuts, this got awfully long anyway. Well, I hope most of it is purposeful! When you have the time, please give me those answers (hope I didn't ask many questions???). So beat/can't recall/so glad I will have at the very least one full day off tomorrow, 90% rain, more to come...but I don't want to fall far behind, as I'm having trouble keeping on top of all requests, and my regular maintenance accounts (several side jobs/extra money always nice!). That's IT!
Later Becky.
Sent by Don L. on Mar 24 2009, 08:37 PM
Quickly, then - When I send, it's just gonna be first class with the ooths anyway/cheap. So long as I send before likely to hatch, or at least pack to allow that to happen safely. You did not mention an interest in the Creobroter ooth, but there will be a succession of those coming anyway, should you become interested later. Perfect 6 pairs of 12 adults as of today. Selling some pairs, too cheaply again, selling faster than ooths being made, but many more to come. *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members). I will have many. *(Edited some content as suggested by forum members). Full Springtime now. More ooths coming from Tanzania, etc. Since we don't have an "even" exchange in place, my intention is to just offer to you any surplus... I guess until it seems "even"... whatever! The pair your nymph made with mine was the baby Creobroter elongata. One Sybilla dead for no reason. Not the one from you, or mine. One of two others I just bought. ABbuggin will have a mate for mine if all the same sex, as they might be now...
The truck has been loaded, the rain is letting up for now... off I go. Later.
Sent by Don L. on Yesterday, 08:02 AM [*Note: "Yesterday" was when I archived this message, not today's "yesterday." - Becky]
PM: Thanks so much!
Hey Becky.
I thought I didn't sleep enough (<6 hrs). Please tell me you were up that early to kiss "Hubby" bye for the day! (tho' I'm up well before 6 most mornings now). Are there windows in your mantis room? I bet Candi is atop a sill, getting a kick out of watching your earnest search for her! Though I know not all species like to be near the brightest lighting. Sure, if you're just gonna toss the D. melanogasters, I can use them, especially if the 2nd huge Heterochaeta ooth hatches (and the others, regardless of nymph count). My collector in Tanzania contradicted himself on pricing more Idolo ooths (50% more than first offer!), so there will be a squabble coming... he also had me a little excited about another possible "new" species, what he called Giant Flower Mantis! (Every species he describes is "Giant" of some sort, so I now know...). I asked him about a species name, and then... darn... he said "Creobroter gemmatus". Giant?! Oh well - perhaps among flower mantises, to him anyway. Now I have to decide if I will buy more Idolos. Okay, I'll buy more. Who was I kidding anyway - can I just get these at the grocery store or something?! Guy in UK refunded because his collector did not get (IM ooths) any after many weeks (since before I "met" my collector). I spent over $180 on two ooths that have given me just 7, though robust, Idolo nymphs (they are SO cool, Becky! Already easy to sex just by viewing at L1, and so big!)... but he also just gave me the two Heterochaeta ooths ("Hets" in the future)... and I made much of that $ back, and still have a large group to rear, and perhaps begin to breed, and spread around the US. Okay, not a money/value issue, really, so I'll get more, and just accept his new price... I did try to "encourage" a better ooth price by saying I could turn him on to a UK breeder who would likely buy just about anything he can "collect"... but he may not have really understood me (kinda broken English)... or was not gonna "buy" my... "idea". Oh well, had to try.. and I have another "idea"...! I also have decided to join the folks who post "US only, sorry!"... 'cause I understand now why - still waiting on some ooths from UK (other reasons too). Do not like being in the position of being able to be ripped off, with no real recourse. Yeah, PayPal would help, but still... Though I do like Leviatan (Damian/Poland) - cool kid. Crickets - can use just small ones, as I do not wish to keep adult crickets around when I can collect very large flies most days. Small ones perfect for Miomantises now... and Creobroter males... they'll get used, sure - thanks. Gotta hit p.o., then dodge incoming rain/work. Still in severe drought of several years, but this year is getting more "normal" rainfall
totals... but still below average ... until the next Gulf hurricane sends a ("weakens" to) tropical storm over my city, a common occurance late Summer into Fall (2004 we had 4!). The t.s. definitely help bring the lakes up...! You may have heard about our inner city tornado last Spring... one of the hotels has not yet replaced all the windowglass to match original... I just don't get why not?! So it still looks like a tornado hit it... Okay, off to work/sorry to whine a little yesterday about beat/starved! It really is just the norm late winter to late spring. I truly will not take a day off unless it pours... for at the very least the next 10 days that are fully scheduled... and others will be calling... and the true "rush" is just beginning... Hope I got back to you before packing up stuff, and thank you very much Becky! Oh - I was gonna surprise you with a Brownie culture... but you definitely don't need them right now! I can make a fresh culture of them almost anytime, so let me know if and when you might like to give them a try.
Good day,
Sent by Don L. on Mar 31 2009, 07:34 AM
Here is the link to the drawing of Heterochaeta occidentalis, the 46th image down the page:
http://mantids.de/3.html Of all the links I've been sent of this genus, each one says the nymphs are an inch long when born. Mine are a typical...maybe 1/3rd inch, and not at all elongated, a simple very dark brown solid color with no particular "features" such as pointy eyes.
Without supplying a "hint", I asked the collector if he knew what the "Big Brown Mantis" (0oths) species was, and he replied (not fluent in English) that they were Heterochaeta. No species name! Oh well. Once I have mature mantises of this species I may have better results in determining their species... or I may have to just give them a name, lol. All sold rapidly, except the group I'm going to rear and multiply...hopefully. They may be really cool - looking forward!
Will let you know when your package arrives. Off to work, now that days of welcome rain have passed... hope you've enjoyed this morning's naptime story, Becky! lol Later.
Sent by Don L. on Mar 29 2009, 09:49 AM
Read in a comfortable dozing off position...
Hujambo Becky!
(Hello, how are you? - Swahili!)
I am doing something really fun now. I am learning Swahili so that I can better communicate with my collector in Tanzania! No kidding, I can already speak a few very simple phrases. And I thought I'd burned through most of my brain cells beyond learning anything as complicated as a new language - guess not! I politely asked him his language, then wrote him back entirely in Kiswahili, which he totally liked, and then he wrote me back entirely in Swahili (English for Kiswahili).
I have a whole new understanding of how much effort it takes to translate word-for-word what I write to him. He even said "Stay away from Don, Swine Flue" (Flu, yes). I told him we have Tamiflu, that I hoped the virus never came to Tanzania, and that if it did, could he get Tamiflu (I hoped so).
The new member at the forum that you asked about is formerly from Poland, now living in Japan. I
do not know if this is a he or a she, but Rhayu wrote me back asking for pics of my mantises and ooths up for trades. I mentioned yet again (will I ever get to this?!) that I need to relearn how to take still pics with my webcam (no digital/dead/no time to shop...). All it will do now is video. I just have to make it a point to set aside a half hour or so to practice using it. Yen is still waiting on a pic of Het, Damian wants pics of My Mantis Garden (a little time on that one/just in/needs to grow/fill in more B4 mantises added/tons of ooths/will be well-stocked right off!), and of course I want to send you a pic of Het too. Het and Beck, the only two I've named, as they are (were, anyway) sole reps of each respective species. Het is really getting very, very cool, Becky. "She" (fairly clear from simple viewing) is now much more elongated, has a very narrow thorax and a bulbous abdomen (no, not a Gongy!), and with each molt (L5 now!) she gets more colors and more patterns on her body. I am getting another Het ooth (along with one of the Giant Green Mantis - species completely unknown!, and it is not a Sphodromantis/African, and three IM ooths, one for someone else). I wrote to PhilinYuma twice now (no reply to either) to see how his were doing, but I think it is safe to assume that he lost all of his, as I lost (many times more) all of mine but this sole survivor. "New" species from the wild will largely die off quickly from American pathagens. He or she who survives can produce young that will have more resistance. Natural selection at work. When my new Het ooth hatches and there are enough survivors (or the next generation...), I will likely send Phil a small group, just 'cause I would appreciate someone doing that for me in a similar situation. Speaking of losses, the package from Tanz got sent back, no call from Kentucky asking for my permit # this time, just sent back (different courrier), so now I have to send another $60.50 for postage and WU fees. There is no way he can come up with such a huge sum, the Tanzanian Shilling being far, far less valuable that the dollar, much less 50 of them. The mantis game is all about wins and losses. We can only hope for more wins, right?
Yes, elongatas. They will hatch (postitive thoughts sent your way), and the reason I sent several was to assure that you get a good size group. The single Chinese nymph I got has already molted, and I am happy to add this, it is a very large L2! This also proves the big mom caught wild was indeed fertile. This morning I got just one again from the next ooth (a pair now? Hoping!). I hope you at least get a small group from the two ooths I sent to you. I think they may have been stored too damp. No mold, but they (as you know) have large hatchouts. This ooth may produce more tomorrow or later, so I won't toss it, and the other two may produce many more nymphs, which I really do hope is the case, as I do want to rear the largest, going for a much larger Chinese Mantis subspecies in the process. "Don's Mantis" probably not a good name, right? LOL. "Leveson's Mantis"? Naaaaa... I can do better... (though as you probably know, there is a "Brunner's Mantis"). And Beck has now provided a third ooth for new genes/partial plan. Though she will eat about all I offer her (readily right from my fingertips now), I am cutting down so that she will live a much longer life than a "breeder" female mantis gets to live. She moves about more than I am used to too, yet another slight variation. She can choose from many plants where to stay. Still the outstretched forearms...
The P. chlorophaea hatched about 36 nymphs. Many have died, but I may have been keeping those too damp too (too humid anyway). Today when this occured to me as a possible cause, I covered their jars with a paper towel and rubberband, not the lid. I will try them drier now, and offer a light mist in the mornings. It will be plenty humid now for all species/usually 50-60% here by p.m.'s. When they hatched they ran about all day and evening (no food first day), so I thought they might need a drink, which they took to readily. I'll get it right, and there is another ooth yet (thanks again! still getting new cultures from ff's from you too/good prep for new ooths). I liked them from the start, nice and big, easier care (once I iron out the glitches - tips, Becky?).
It's warming up here in 'Hotlanta. I again went to www.weather.com and typed in Dar Es Salaam. Our weather by late this month will actually be hotter than in East Africa! See why the Natives call it 'Hotlanta? Did you know about this resource for checking natural conditions for a mantis species? It really helped me to "even out" the tips I got from a few people on the IM's. If not, give it a try! All four of my Idolos have made it to L5 now. There is a slickness to the interior of their jar homes, always very moist, always well fed, that's the Idolo Way! One guy told me he raised some outside in drier CA with no probs, but they molt early in the mornings. To me this says they do this when it is most damp, anywhere. We've seen the lizards drinking dew droplets off of cactuses in the desert, so this makes good sense to me. And the website says it is about 60% humidity everyday in Tanz, so I go with that (keep damp!). Nymph 4th to molt made me the Worried Dad again - got quite constipated twice. Each time I was able to wash the clump away. When at last it caught up to its siblings' molts, it was hard to look in its jar to check the success or failure. Needless to say, after this sort of complication, I was very happy to see a fully fine mantis! Did you know they come in different colors? They are all now getting more green and white in them, and even some red on the inner forearm. I do love the Ghost Mantis, always will be a favorite, but I can now say that the Idolomantis diabolica is the coolest mantis ever to me. Its whole look, antics, breeze-mimicing, multiple colorations, "hairy" texture, "tawny" (Lion) coloration/varied, etc. readily make me think of Lions, Elephants, Rhinos, Cheetah, etc., its fellow Tanzanians! Maybe you have to see this to "get" this. Have you ever had them?
Sorry to report, every Sybilla is dead, even the extra two I bought. Wins and losses... down one... I'm especially sorry about the one you gave to me. All in one day too. My best guess, oddly, is that they got too hot atop my fridge. India, yes, but I bet from the very damp, not so hot areas (elevated jungles). If and when I try them again, www.weather.com/India (will check at least 3 cities/large subcontinent) for sure! I ask for the replacement Gongy ooth from UK in a few weeks. Similar conditions, should succeed... One Miomantis mates, and mates, and mates... and no ooth. A modern Gal, I guess! lol Yup, last male just seperated from her...again. He's out now, and she is fed yet again (not eating the fly...). I have numerous ooths now, so they will be in the mantis garden too, eventually, with all the others. Gambians, hard to count, more than 12, doing just fine, gratefully. One week old tomorrow.
Work (thanks for asking) - I have never worked harder in my life, not even in college when I worked and took 1 - 1/2X full time courses (needed to finish school quickly at that point/Landscape Management), but I have more than doubled my base, the maintenance accounts (many side jobs too). Sparing you boring details, a few years ago I lost nearly half my accounts, and ads did little until this year (Whew), as I was just getting by after many prosperous years. NO helpers at all/something to prove to myself/did! A few more weeks until I can schedule a day off. Today it is pouring, so this is (honestly) my 5th day off since March 1st (all long, rainy days). Easter Sunday I worked until 7:30 p.m... Been out of my home just three times in the evenings/dinners/party. Normally it is mid to later March when things begin to pick up, but Spring was very early this year, and the first call came in the first March day. The Summer grasses (Bermuda, Zoysia, etc.) are nearly greened up now, so May is actually my first full month of lawn maintenance (Fescue starts up in March here). But I can now bill for March and April (March so sporatic, I don't bother asking for small checks), so it should literally begin really paying off now. Remaining flowers in, and a few other things yet, but by early June I should be in the "coasting" state that will last many months, which means about 3-4 hours of work daily. It starts getting very hot just before Memorial Day. It will be great to have more free time again (pool in p.m.'s!). But not for a while yet...
What does it mean to "go to the Labor Hall"? Is this like day labor, go and see if there is work?
Okay, the rain is easing.
Time to work in the gardens out front...
Zungumzia qua wewe hatima! (TTYL!)
(You say all the syllables together!)
Sent by Don L. on May 2 2009, 01:04 PM
And finally........ an excerpt from an email Don sent Dave...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Don L. <
[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 5:43 PM
Subject: From the novelist! Pics and video of Idolomantis diabolicas too!
To: David Schultz <
[email protected]>
I made one final attempt (sent a deposit, even) to get them from a UK breeder, but after a couple of months he simply had to refund because his collector could not come up with any. Mine does! "Het" (Heterochaeta species) and "Chat" (Idolomantis diabolica) are from Tanz guy, which I got with no problems at all. It was the next purchase when things got complicated...
In fact, there are breeders you might recognize who are waiting on ME to get some for them!
But I am also a businessman, and I play the game well. They are hoping to gain some sort of advantage (like getting MY contacts' name - NO!), but I know when -I- have the advantage, and just how to make the most of it. If I wanted to (Do I?! I haven't thought that far yet...!), I could become the SUPPLIER to the established breeders! "He" does not want others to know about him, and says he only wants to deal with me, his "American friend"/cool, huh?! I think he fears his government? They (jumping around/sorry) of course would prefer to cut out the middleman (me and my markup, of course!), but first I want to dominate the world's supply of Idolomantises and those completely unknown native Tanzanian Mantis species, of which I will have several very soon now! This is a fact - absolutely no one, no one at all but me, can get them! You may have seen my occassional ("test") posts "looking for Idolomantis diabolica, ooths or animals!", to see if anyone is able to get any. Nope, never yet! Luke (Fisherman_Brazil) had them, but would not ship outside of his country because he says a high percentage die. (I got some Acromantis formosana from him). He offered only ooths for swap, but only wanted truly exotic mantis species, and refused to sell to anyone, only for exchange. I will write to him again and see how that worked out for him, partly out of curiosity, partly to see who got what...!
So in conclusion, I consider Don a VERY POOR breeder who has grandiose ideas of making money and a name for himself in the hobby. But doesn't deliver. He has very poor hatch rates, is unreliable, and furthermore has proved to me to be an untrustworthy person to deal with. I would avoid anything from him at all costs.
Becky Heacox