Don L.


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This is a long long time coming.I ordered an Idol ooth from Don. Dropped over $100 on the ooth. When I got it, it had holes... lots of holes. I wanted to be nice and I was pretty new with ooths. So, I posted the pictures of those ooths on here and nearly everyone thought it was a hatched ooth. For someone paying a nice amount of cash for an ooth, you'd think you would get one without too many holes. Still, I incubated it using the instructions I received from Don. Nothing ever came after weeks of waiting. I finally said something.

He was supposed to send a replacement ooth and that ooth was to go to Katnapper. It never came and he claims that the ooth got lost in the mail. Now, I don't know about Don but if I'm going to drop something that's valued at over $100, express high-speed mail... you bet I'd get a tracking number, a receipt or something in writing from the USPS.

That Ooth was going to Becky (Katnapper) whom PAID ME for it. Not only do I feel like a ######, I've burnt a friend too.

In the past Don has sent me "extra" stuff when he's sent me ooths. It's a good thing too because without those extras I'd have never gotten any hatches. His stuff has a low hatch-rate in my experience.

Now, Don is a nice guy. I've talked to him on the phone. Nice guy and "nice mantid trader" are two different things.
My friend, David... let's make it clear. YOU did not burn me, Don L. did.

100$ per Idolomatis ooth seems a bit off for me. But I've seen similar bargains, where the trader dropped down on the price, but underlined that only some of the ooths will hatch. Don L might be taking ooths from the same person I'm talking about (a guy from Tanzania), and raising prices signifficantly. This ain't fair.

100$ per Idolomatis ooth seems a bit off for me. But I've seen similar bargains, where the trader dropped down on the price, but underlined that only some of the ooths will hatch. Don L might be taking ooths from the same person I'm talking about (a guy from Tanzania), and raising prices signifficantly. This ain't fair.
Not sure what he does with the price or if it's fair. I do know that you shouldn't send people ANY ooth for ANY price if it's got holes in it. Looks like a G.I. Joe machine gunner had his way with it.

Another thing too. Maybe a suggestion. If you are going to get ooths from a guy in Tanzania who knows nothing about ooths (he was picking ooths that were hatched, old, and infested with wasps) mabye it would be a better idea to hatch the idols and sell the nymphs. I think if what your selling is going to be THAT unreliable, why not just hatch them and sell idol nymphs? I'd have gladly paid $100 for 5-6 nymphs over paying $100 for a wasp hatchery. heck, I didn't even get that much... I got a "oops, lost in the mail and no proof of it" instead.

There is no guarantee on WC ooths - I kept such, and only some of them hatched. You might get lucky if you buy more than just 1-2 ooths, but it might always go other way.

There's a fair amount of reliable breeders keeping Idolomantis - I don't know why people resort to cheap, WC caught ooths. If they do it to save money... then lemme tell you something.

If someone thinks, that they are saving money by spending a bit less on Idolomantis ooths from some "ooth harvesters", then "I pity the fool!", as Mr. T would say. People just don't realise the amount of money that has to be spent of this species. If someone is thinking "let's save as much as I can on Idolomantis" right off the bat - then it's 100% sure that this is not a species for a person with this mindset. I easily spent about 700-800$ on Idolomantis related stuff within 5 months, and I have only 30 of them.

Not to mention that I don't stand by encouraging people who exploit nature by constantly harvesting ooths.

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