This is a long long time coming.I ordered an Idol ooth from Don. Dropped over $100 on the ooth. When I got it, it had holes... lots of holes. I wanted to be nice and I was pretty new with ooths. So, I posted the pictures of those ooths on here and nearly everyone thought it was a hatched ooth. For someone paying a nice amount of cash for an ooth, you'd think you would get one without too many holes. Still, I incubated it using the instructions I received from Don. Nothing ever came after weeks of waiting. I finally said something.
He was supposed to send a replacement ooth and that ooth was to go to Katnapper. It never came and he claims that the ooth got lost in the mail. Now, I don't know about Don but if I'm going to drop something that's valued at over $100, express high-speed mail... you bet I'd get a tracking number, a receipt or something in writing from the USPS.
That Ooth was going to Becky (Katnapper) whom PAID ME for it. Not only do I feel like a ######, I've burnt a friend too.
In the past Don has sent me "extra" stuff when he's sent me ooths. It's a good thing too because without those extras I'd have never gotten any hatches. His stuff has a low hatch-rate in my experience.
Now, Don is a nice guy. I've talked to him on the phone. Nice guy and "nice mantid trader" are two different things.