If you don't want to deal with electrical find a small warm spot. A closet is usually perfect. Because of the limited room and insulation created by the clothes it can usually stay warmer in there than the rest of the house.
these are low wattage but high heat options. Probably better to raise mantids than to incubate ooths since ooths can dry out easily. heat cable on a thermostat, heat tape on a thermostat, human heat pad on a thermostat, a low wattage light with maybe an alluminum foil backdrop. Either way make sure that you have a thermometer the measure temps, and the THERMOSTAT is very VERY important otherwise you're going to cook your babies.
both those ooths should hatch fine at room temp, they will just hatch quicker if you keep them a bit warmer. And knowing your room temp is 68, they might take longer than average lol.
EDIT: how the heck is your wife keeping room temps of 68F in Florida?