Feeding mantis to mantis's


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
When you have one that did not molt right do you A) freeze them .... B keep them as handicapped .... C) feed them to a healthy one ?

I am not sure I can do the feed one to another, IF I did it I would not be able to watch. Just curious if I would be the only evil one IF I did this.

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If they're crippled beyond fixing then I always feed them to something else. Usually one of my lizards though...it's quite a rare delicacy for them! :lol:

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:unsure: Now ya know I post a lot of pics of crippled babies here, about all I do post :p , I usually keep them fat and happy till the end, the last one I had watched me every time I came in the room, her head would follow me around, she was a fattie when I got done, I grow em big here in the country, more like little cows than crippled mantis :lol: .
somtimes C somtimes A..im going to be hated for this but do i care? :p :p

this ant had a bad shed and come out all crippled after sheding to adult..so my flowermantis had it for lunch :lol: :p


:unsure: Now ya know I post a lot of pics of crippled babies here, about all I do post :p , I usually keep them fat and happy till the end, the last one I had watched me every time I came in the room, her head would follow me around, she was a fattie when I got done, I grow em big here in the country, more like little cows than crippled mantis :lol: .
so which one is it..A,B or C :lol: :lol: :p

Usually end up as food for one of my herps.

oh ok..glad im not the only one that does it..my idol had bad shed last night 5th instar..grrrr so i gave it to my devil had it for breakfast..

Same here, throwing mantis away is a waste, only feed them to other ones or put them in glass-case

My sister has Beardies, you can guess what happens with mismolted mantids and the ones at the end of their lifespan ;)

Like you adult female B. Mendica Krus.


Never done it but probably would do. I've fed phasmids to fish.


I've never had a crippled mantis via shedding so not sure what exactly I would do. I keep them strictly as pets so I wouldn't have the heart to feed them to something else. Depending on how serious the injury is I might try keeping them alive. If not I would probably freeze for a quick death.


If i have one that cant survive and it has to be put out of its misery i feed it to something else, same for any of my bugs, my vinegaroon had a crippled eurycantha stick insect this morning
