few of my favorate mantids and updates


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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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L5 female neodanuria bolauana notice the points on the back of the abdomen, think this is the first sign of sexual dimorphism

L5 male

successfully matted this acromantis for the second time really long connection.

unfortunately we didnt all make it in one piece

L5 purple!

i have great color diversity with this stock.

How do i sex the pseudocreobotra wahlbergii? I have a good number of L5 nymphs and would like to distribute pairs soon

Great photos! Lol, I was going to ask you how to sex the spinys. I think I need a male but I can't tell yet.

The females of Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii have fewer ventral spines on the abdomen than the males. In the males, there's a smaller ventral spine after the bigger ones that the females lack.

I've been able to sex them at L3 using this method, but it's much easier to see when they get bigger.

The females of Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii have fewer ventral spines on the abdomen than the males. In the males, there's a smaller ventral spine after the bigger ones that the females lack.

I've been able to sex them at L3 using this method, but it's much easier to see when they get bigger.

The females of Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii have fewer ventral spines on the abdomen than the males. In the males, there's a smaller ventral spine after the bigger ones that the females lack.

I've been able to sex them at L3 using this method, but it's much easier to see when they get bigger.
wow that is easy thanks

my first captive breed miomantis binotata hatched 10 nymphs. Havnt seen too many captive bred hatches in my in my short mantis hobby so its always exciting, very pretty easy species

my first captive breed miomantis binotata hatched 10 nymphs. Havnt seen too many captive bred hatches in my in my short mantis hobby so its always exciting, very pretty easy species
Well, get ready to be overrun by nymphs, mine laid ooths every 6 days for most of their lives. That combined with only a 3 week incubation means just 1 fertile female is enough to test the productivity of any fruit fly culture :p

Yes they lay and incubate and grow fast. Ive already been sending extra to ppl so i dont get over run. Is a very pretty and easy sp.
