Fly Spit Cleansing


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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
So, most of my aritificial plants plastic or similar material, and the muck & gunk just washes away. But one of my favorite plants is silk, and now boats the stains of a million points of... well, fly spit. :angry:

Any recomendations for cleaning fly spittle in specific, or enclosures in general...? Any no-no chemicals to be wary of...? I'm usually OK with aggressive hosing, but water alone ain't gonna handle this one. Any "Ancient Chinese Secrets" out there...? Any horor stories to share...?

Soap and warm water. Use a scrub brush if needed. Usually just washes right off with the soap and water.

I have always used it, I don't even have to rinse forever, it has not been a problem for me, I like to make sure all germs are cleared up before reusing containers and flowers! YOu can trust me! ;) :tt2:

ps, Peter, could u move my favorite smiliy up to the front of the class? pretty please!

I would try the idea of soap and a little bit of bleach, which really leaves no residue when it is well rinsed. After the soap water and bleach has been rinsed, a session drying in the sun on a strongly sunny day will oxidize any residues (if there were to be any) and you should be good to go. The way to test this is to use a small removed silk leave and try the method on it, before doing and entire section of plant. Then to make sure that there are no harmful chemicals, use a few Chinese L-1s in a small container and put the sample silk leave in with them. If you don't have the "throw away" nymphs, perhaps some Drosophyla species would be just as good.

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Awwww.... Poor little nymphs. Maybe I'll just let the flies back on them after I clean em - see if THEY drop dead... :)

Bleach is fine. Make a bleach water mixture and keep the bleach to a minimum. Like a tablespoon or so per gallon of water or less. Rinse well. But like I said earlier, soap and warm water will take fly spit right out.

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I clean my old fruit fly culture containers for reusing with regular ol' dishsoap, warm water & bleach rinse. (Strong!) And I reuse the cups with no ill effects on the next fly culture. Don't know about bleaching a silk plant, though...might damage the dyes in it. Best to try on a leaf first to see. But, I haven't had any problems cleaning fly spit off of the fly hatching cups with just warm, soapy water!


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