Food for my baby...


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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2008
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Hi there!

I recently had a New Zealand mantid ooth hatch. I let most of them go in my yard but kept one to see if i couldnt raise it. I put a leaf with some aphids on it into its jar on the first day and am not really sure if it ate any. Today (a week later) ive had another ototh hatch but i have no idea from what type of mantis! The nymphs came out pink and now, a couple of hours later, are a vary vary dark colour (cant tell what colour). Ive put some aphids and some fruit flies in with these guys too but am worried that i ahvnt seen any actually catch anything yet! Im sure im just being a worry wart but i cant halp it! Can anyone ease my angst?

I'll put up a photo of the new babes as soon as my camera resumes normal functioning!

Well, they are probably eating the alphis, good idea for feeding them, what did the second ooth look like? and where did u get it? that will probably help identify the species.

Hi, they dont feed for a few days, let them settle down and spread out and they will soon start looking for food, just make sure you have enough as they will probably turn on one another.

Aphids and fruit fly are just right for first instars.

Just out of interest where do you live Australia? :)

I live in Sydney :) the ooth was on a fence between the railings. I have attached some photos of both ooth and babies.

My New Zealand female is laying another ooth as we speak! ive never caught her in the act before :)






Actually, i had aa think and they might be the ooths/babies of another (unidentified) type of mantid ive been rearing for a while...

Anyone know what it is? I have a brown one of the same variety too.





the stick like ones are an Archimantis species (now all adults) and the little black ones have grown up and turned out to be Pseudomantis albofimbriata. cute little guys.

I've have been finding cave crickets in my basement. Are as good of food as regular crickets? I've only been in the house for 3 years, and I've never used any pesticides. So I'm thinking that are pretty safe. Any feedback would be swell.


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