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I noticed a new post created in the breeder feedback section for "Frey". It would seem that Frey's recent transactions are arriving in good condition at their destinations and all the recipients are happy. There are still concerns and unanswered questions. From this point forward it will be up to each individual to decide whether they want to do business with Frey.

When I have time I will merge the new "Frey" feedback thread with this one and clean out the extraneous posts to a point where the remaining ones provide a useful reference to the questionable history of this member.

Update to transaction here:

Only 8 of the original 15 nymphs that hatched from the first ooth survived the first night. Three have died since then, leaving a total of 5 left. I'm hoping at least a majority of them make it. The other ooth has not hatched so far.

For reference that may help others... Frey did mention that these (Empusa fasciata) do not need high humidity like some mantis species... that it is dry in Greece, for whatever that may be worth.

I am working out a good deal with frey I cant loose so its agood time to make true to the word as im sure after people will do better purchases with frey ! I think he may just be mis understood! ;)

I would just like to say, the packaging is the same as a known scammer who was thrown out of many forum's called 'Kandz'. I am currently doing business with her though and seems fine, I will let you know of the outcome!

I would just like to say, the packaging is the same as a known scammer who was thrown out of many forum's called 'Kandz'. I am currently doing business with her though and seems fine, I will let you know of the outcome!
I would also like to add that I have a number of parcels from Frey with hand written addies, and that she writes "R" in a manner very similar to that of Mirosław Orzechowski, member of the notorious LPR party who was convicted in 2009 of DWI.

Frey, prolific and honest dealer from Poland has two entries in Breeder feedback, contrary to forum policy.

Members: Please treat the "large hand" and "packaging" posts (Frey's packaging has changed for the better over the past six months and is now very good) with the contempt that they deserve.

Administrators: Please freeze the Frey/October-mav/Kandz/Orzechowski thread and treat Frey like any other dealer with a good, solid track record.

Paul: "Justyna" is a woman's name in Poland. Please do her the courtesy of addressing her as such.
