Frey - (Poland)


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For what it's worth, she has also used unregistered mail with me as well. It took roughly 7 business days to arrive, and I am in the Boston area.

For what it is worth, you get what you pay for. "Unregistered airmail" is Priority, Priorytet in Polish. It should take from 7/8 days on the East coast to about 11 in the southwest. The most recent package that i got from Frey took eleven days by Priority and cost less than 10PLN. If she had sent it by registed Airmail, known as EMS in Europe or Express over here, it would have cost over 100PLN or over 30USD. All of the Polish dealers with whom I do business, including Frey, send ooths and sometimes nymphs in a container within a bubble pack envelope. This might upset our aesthetic sensibilities, but it obviates the need for them to perjure themselves on the CN 22.which is not required in Poland for letters.

I would suggest the following.

When you trade with a member in a foeign country, know their different forms of postage, transit time and cost. Knowing the currency and exhange rate and how a CN 22 (Customs declaration form) works, also helps.

At this time of year, you would be wise to know the temperature in the dealer's city. It is currently about 2C in Lodz. An ooth should be safe shipped by EMS with a heatpack and yoru might try Priority if you don't mind the risk (I hatched Frey's ooths sent by this method last winter) . It is our responsibilty to know this stuff; caveat emptor is basic tenet of US law. I've said some of this before, but it looks as though a repeat will do no harm. :D

For what it is worth, you get what you pay for. "Unregistered airmail" is Priority, Priorytet in Polish. It should take from 7/8 days on the East coast to about 11 in the southwest. The most recent package that i got from Frey took eleven days by Priority and cost less than 10PLN. If she had sent it by registed Airmail, known as EMS in Europe or Express over here, it would have cost over 100PLN or over 30USD. All of the Polish dealers with whom I do business, including Frey, send ooths and sometimes nymphs in a container within a bubble pack envelope. This might upset our aesthetic sensibilities, but it obviates the need for them to perjure themselves on the CN 22.which is not required in Poland for letters.

I would suggest the following.

When you trade with a member in a foeign country, know their different forms of postage, transit time and cost. Knowing the currency and exhange rate and how a CN 22 (Customs declaration form) works, also helps.

At this time of year, you would be wise to know the temperature in the dealer's city. It is currently about 2C in Lodz. An ooth should be safe shipped by EMS with a heatpack and yoru might try Priority if you don't mind the risk (I hatched Frey's ooths sent by this method last winter) . It is our responsibilty to know this stuff; caveat emptor is basic tenet of US law. I've said some of this before, but it looks as though a repeat will do no harm. :D
Phil last time i checked this was NOT a discussion forum,It is for feedback. We dont care that you and frey have some secret trading friendship or the cost of shipping, or the type of shipping. We dont even care about the laws on this section. It is merely for feedback and feedback only, I would recommend you stop backing frey everytime someone has a bad experience, we dont care that you like her. We are posting how many of us got screwed, although frey is still fixing my problem. She has reshipped my loss at her cost, Guess what? She only shipped regular mail. So you speech about shipping goes both ways. She doesnt care about the people or mantids but only the money, I know this because i have an email where i requested money refund, she told me its cheap for her to send mantids even if she has to send until I get a live pair. Humm, food for thought. Its not just be its even people that have been on here for years, hibiscus knows what she is doing, and what i got from your message is we dont know how to correctly buy stuff from frey. Due to this post maybe getting deleted I wont elaborate how i feel about you backing frey all the timeand how she screws alot of people.

I reported on a recent transaction with Frey in my last post JR3; you did not. I did add some basic information on mailiing regulations since a lot of folks here don't seem to understand why, for example, Polish dealers usually send envelopes. Your most recent post is not a review of a transaction either, but a personal attack on Frey and me.

My 2 cents: Why would someone buy from anyone if they don't trust them to begin with? Just to trash talk? Doesn't make sense, I mean I understand if you think you were ripped off and want to say so, but why do people reorder if they don't trust someone? Ordering from over seas comes with high risk and it seems people already know that, so why when it doesn't work out are you surprised?

I had very good experiences with Frey, but I know not all will, so think before you order I say, and use ONLY EMS here in the states.

UPDATE: As of this day, 8th of Dec. No ooths received from Frey, althought they were said to of been sent out over a month ago.

Well, it took three weeks, but my ooth arrived. I have to say, Theopompa makes one weird-looking ooth! Hopefully it hatches. It's pretty cold where I am right now. I'm not sure I'd want to ship anything overseas again, mostly because it causes me so much anxiety waiting that long for a living thing to be in transit. Thanks, though.

@@" 3weeks ??? I'm still waiting for my ootheca from Frey ... she told me is only 4-8days... if it takes 3 weeks i'll go crazy...

I have been waiting since november 20th and still none. And this was on her part to fix a loss of mantids she sent a while back. I told her weather was cold and needed EMS, but she will never go out of her way to help ANYONE, sooooooooo, she sent it regular mail. She really doesn't give a $H^T about if your mantids are dead or alive, just if she gets money. I stress to her its cheaper to just refund me a small 40 bucks. She tells me no its cheaper for me to just send you mantid after mantid until you get some alive. Hhhhmmmmmm, whats her motive, money or the care of customers and mantids..........MONEY!!!!!!!!

Maybe everyone should start making her offer a money back guarantee. I thought live arrival was that but she insisted it was for more mantids to be sent. Too bad she isnt in the united states......... :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: , just saying????

I have come to the conclusion she is a con. I now will start a poll to ban her from this site as she was banned from the UK forum.

I have written to Frey. She will no longer be able to write ads that suggest sales to US customers. She will be required to write "Europe/Asia Only". She may not solicit sales to US members via the PM system. If she does, forward me the PM. My patience with this situation has run out, mostly because your public discussion of illegally importing stock of mantises into the US puts capital M.E. at risk. I don't spend 80+ bucks per month to host this forum so you can run amok of common decency and the law.

If you choose to, you may contact her via PM for sales since we don't police the PM's, but US Members will no longer be able to comment in her feedback thread.

US Members may be given warning points from this point forward for discussing their importation of mantises from other countries. That includes posting feedback in Frey's thread.

There, I think we're all going to be much happier now.

For the record, I've always thought Frey was more reliable than the Polish postal service and that anybody purchasing live animals from overseas without EMS was at fault for the DOA's. Still, Frey has neglected to "make good" on EMS DOA's numerous times. One of her challenges, aside from English being not her native language, has always been following through on her promises. Still, I've seen just as many customers harboring unrealistic expectations about her services. And still yet, I've seen her fail to prevent subsequent failures. The reasons people have always continued to purchase from her are simple enough. Good prices, unique products and mixed feedback.

Most recently, she has failed to post "the fine print" I had asked her to write in each post. In a recent one, for example, she specifically targeted US Members by making an example of shipping to "NY".

I am temporarily closing down her feedback thread.

And to all a good night...

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