This is the 4th ooth from the 2 green females in a week! Somehow I missed the laying of the first, so I ended up with 2 on one stick from one female...
P. paradoxa ooth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Now hopefully to see them through hatching. I read after I'd placed them in my incubator (sits at about 83 F) that they can be hatched at room temp, so I don't know if the extra warmth will speed things up or if I'm doing something stupid (also don't really have a room temp location; unless it's on the already occupied snake tank even most of my room is probably a touch cold for any ooth).
In other news, the 2nd generation of R. basalis are also beginning to mature. Mom's still around:
R. basalis female by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And not-so-shockingly a male is the first of the F2 to molt. He did not straighten out his wings properly for unknown reasons though...
R. basalis F2 male by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
R. basalis F2 male by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Now hopefully to see them through hatching. I read after I'd placed them in my incubator (sits at about 83 F) that they can be hatched at room temp, so I don't know if the extra warmth will speed things up or if I'm doing something stupid (also don't really have a room temp location; unless it's on the already occupied snake tank even most of my room is probably a touch cold for any ooth).
In other news, the 2nd generation of R. basalis are also beginning to mature. Mom's still around:

And not-so-shockingly a male is the first of the F2 to molt. He did not straighten out his wings properly for unknown reasons though...