Hi Guys!
I'm an Aussie living in Canada. When I was back at home I had a mantis crawl onto a beer bottle I was drinking. I thought he was badass so I put him in a container and found random bugs around the house to feed him and it was great fun. After a few weeks he started eating less and I thought I might be killing him so I let him go but I loved the experience.
I just got my order of a Chinese Mantis Egg since I had great fun with my other bro and wanted to keep one as a pet more seriously this time. I got it set up in a jar wedged in between a forked twig. I plan to release all but one of them into my garden, or maybe release them all into my garden and go find one to keep as a pet in a few weeks once they have grown, what do you guys think is better for a new owner?
Here's my setup, I read that you are supposed to have the egg in a certain direction but I really couldn't find any pictures of which way people had it whilst other people said it doesn't matter so I thought you guys might be able to help me out here - have I done it right? Anything I could improve on?

I just put it outside in some shade with some mesh over the top to cover it but let air in, if I need to do anything else to get it to hatch or if there's anything better I could do I would appreciate the advice. Looking forward to learning about Mantids with you guys and thanks in advance!
I'm an Aussie living in Canada. When I was back at home I had a mantis crawl onto a beer bottle I was drinking. I thought he was badass so I put him in a container and found random bugs around the house to feed him and it was great fun. After a few weeks he started eating less and I thought I might be killing him so I let him go but I loved the experience.
I just got my order of a Chinese Mantis Egg since I had great fun with my other bro and wanted to keep one as a pet more seriously this time. I got it set up in a jar wedged in between a forked twig. I plan to release all but one of them into my garden, or maybe release them all into my garden and go find one to keep as a pet in a few weeks once they have grown, what do you guys think is better for a new owner?
Here's my setup, I read that you are supposed to have the egg in a certain direction but I really couldn't find any pictures of which way people had it whilst other people said it doesn't matter so I thought you guys might be able to help me out here - have I done it right? Anything I could improve on?

I just put it outside in some shade with some mesh over the top to cover it but let air in, if I need to do anything else to get it to hatch or if there's anything better I could do I would appreciate the advice. Looking forward to learning about Mantids with you guys and thanks in advance!