Help finding... How to make a natural habitat thread..


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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
Someone made an enclosure with great stuff? (step by step) It was showing how to fill in drift wood with foam?.. the background of the enclosure was black?

Anyone else remember the thread? or sound familiar?... (I hate when this happens..)

I finally got all the stuff to do it...and now I can't find the thread...

I looked on my history..but I don't think I made a comment on it... :helpsmilie:

Haven't seen one here on MantidForum, but have at lots of other forums and sites.

The forum usually requires a membership to view photos, but is worth it as they have tons of guides on tanks, setups, diy projects, and especially plants (I know as I have an account there). The DendroBoard site alone will keep you busy with similar projects until you get bored and quit looking, and is full of many helpful people (even though it is primary a Dart Frog site). ;)

Here are just a few others to look at, there are countless others to be found...

Be sure to share photos of your efforts Denise, and best of luck!

Thanks for looking that up for me Thomas... I thought I had seen it here and just could not find it.. those are really good ideas also.. They look so cool...

Your welcome Denise. It may very well be hidden somewhere on here but I couldn't find any. I have read things myself here too and tried to find them again without success.

I'm hoping to be able to do something myself when I start making adult habitats as I now have many nymphs reaching L5. So it's about time for me to get on it. :D


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