He's just... not connecting.


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
He's been on her back over an hour now. approaching 2. Hasn't reached his abdomen around to connect. If they still haven't conencted by the time I'm going to bed I'll separate and try again tomorrow. Any advice?

Species: Polyspilota aeruginosa.


I helped my male Chinese who had a hard time holding on and getting things in the right place. Sometimes all it takes is a helpful finger. Try to help him without disturbing them too much.

As said by paradoxica, gently blowing in small puffs or extended periods of time will make them connect.... If he starts moving to connect, then stop blowing and then see what happens. Thats what i did for my wallies and it worked ;) good luck.

When I'm trying to encourage a connection I just blow on them gently, it works really well.
Tried that too. did a little bit but not enough to connect.

I just separated them before I head to bed. Dont want her eating him. Will try again tomorrow. Unless you guys think I should wait til monday?

No you can try again tomorrow, but feed him as much as he'll eat and give him as much water as he'll take... (same for the female) then try introducing again... ;) blowing does help quite a lot, I've also taken a fan, put it on low, and aimed it at them after he mounted, it helps so you don't have to blow as much.....

He's such an eediot. I gave her a cricket to tempt him to jump on, and he jumped alright. Except he jumped at and grabbed the cricket. WHILE IT WAS IN HER CLAWS. and started chowing down. I nearly crapped myself thinking she was going to eat him before I could separate them. he's back in his enclosure now with a cricket or two and when he's done eating I'll reintroduce.

He's such an eediot. I gave her a cricket to tempt him to jump on, and he jumped alright. Except he jumped at and grabbed the cricket. WHILE IT WAS IN HER CLAWS. and started chowing down. I nearly crapped myself thinking she was going to eat him before I could separate them. he's back in his enclosure now with a cricket or two and when he's done eating I'll reintroduce.
Lmao ...... is normal ... like i told u .. sometime they stay on for 1 day before connect .... i mated 6 pairs... so i know just leave him on her ... if u need to go sleep ... sleep check the next morning ... u might see them connect ... i mated 6 pair 2-3 times each ... i have not lost 1 male yet so ... that's 12-15 times mating not 1 male died .. So don;t worrie as long the female is well feed the male is safe .... when his on her back..

He hopped on again around 7p.m. last night. Left them together overnight. Still no connection. Will just leave them and see what happens. Almost looks like he's trying to connect with his own wings.

He hopped on again around 7p.m. last night. Left them together overnight. Still no connection. Will just leave them and see what happens. Almost looks like he's trying to connect with his own wings.
Had that issue with popas

Gently use a q-tip to guide his abdomen to at least touch hers and he should get it soon enough ;)

Had that issue with popas Gently use a q-tip to guide his abdomen to at least touch hers and he should get it soon enough ;)
GhostYeah suggested that too. He wasnt a fan... at all. Lol. 25 hours and counting. no connection but still on her back. She's very full so I'm not worried.

My Oxy male was doing the same thing. I left him on her back and went to finish hw. I came back and they were mating so... he should eventually do it.
