He's just... not connecting.


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Well after putting him in the closet for the night (Hopefully that kept some pheromones from him), he's on her back for round 4. hopefully he connects for a length of time this time.

But if he was in the closet, you'd have to get another male to get him interested!

yeah he's definitely gay. Had to put him on her back and even then he only held on 5 minutes before losing interest and almost getting himself eaten. Walked right off the front of her. She wasn't happy

I'll keep trying for another week or two. If theres still no interest I'll have to get her to eat him and force him to connect. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

Well do keep in mind the females often don't just stop at eating the head, it can be all but the wings and raptors. Don't think I would ever go that far just to get some babies?

One day of separation isn't really enough to detour the pheromone saturation, 2-3 days is needed for that. ;)

Kill the gays bill. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uganda_Anti-Homosexuality_Bill'>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uganda_Anti-Homosexuality_Bill
That's horrible!! :eek:

Dont they have anything else to kill?? They r killing gays cause they think its unnatural, but do they kill old people? Afterall, living past 50 is rather unnatural for our species, we didnt evolve to live that long!! Or if someone gets body jewelry or modification, are they killed? we didnt evolve with such modifications or decorations on us! why not then kill anyone that uses modern technology since its certainly not "natural"??? Point is if we have a world where everyone is "natural", we would live in a very boring world!!!

Wheres the rainbow and the unicorn and a hug when u need them? :rolleyes:

Lmao ok. I see now. He has a chance to redeem himself mike. death by snu snu.

On a more serious note. I might not be separating them long enough... Its hard for me because I only have my one room to keep mantids in, not an apartment that I can move the males to another room. Any separation is short term at best since I'm borrowing space.
