He's just... not connecting.


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Keep blowing and see if he gets anywhere...if not, take his head off and let his headless body do the job, it operates better that way.... ^-^ -kidding :D

Made progress. Turned the fan on again and he reached down and pinched her wings with his... whatever it is. then he tried to do it with his own leg. no connection

ok its up to you! I have done this for inexperienced males before. instead of moving/touching HIS abdmoen, move hers into place so he can connect...i have done this with many different species whose males were...how do i put this, noobs ;) and had no clue what to do; after i moved the girl and helped him, they have gone on to be pro's :p if you dont wannna, just leave them alone and use the fan... :)

All the best!

ok its up to you! I have done this for inexperienced males before. instead of moving/touching HIS abdmoen, move hers into place so he can connect...i have done this with many different species whose males were...how do i put this, noobs :)

All the best!
Did you curl the girls abdomen up towards him? like around the side etc?

ok its up to you! I have done this for inexperienced males before. instead of moving/touching HIS abdmoen, move hers into place so he can connect...i have done this with many different species whose males were...how do i put this, noobs ;) and had no clue what to do; after i moved the girl and helped him, they have gone on to be pro's :p if you dont wannna, just leave them alone and use the fan... :)

All the best!
I also have a noob who mounts but won't connect. I'll try this method. Thanks for the tip.

Most aggravating moment of life just now. I was blowing on them a little more in between feedings, and holy he's reaching back. He's found her wings and is curling around, I think he's about to put it- then her grip on the screen weakens and her two back legs let go. Because of the structure of the area they're in this cut off his approach, and when I almost exploded in anger and corrected them he was doing it wrong again.

U guys are killing me lol ... I have another way 95% will work lol ... but u need to be ready u'll male will be dead lol .... Put the male in-front of her .. if the female attack lol ... so as the female start eating his head use a tweezer pull the male back leg on the the female body.....in nature soon as the males head getting eat up .. it tail will find the right place to mate .. lol I had to do this way to stupid multispina .. they just wont mate ... did every way put the male on her still wont mate jump right off after few mins.. got pissed off guess is feeding time lol .. and the funny part Female is 3weeks old calling everyday lol trying to mate her for the hole week with no success ... tried with 5 different males.. and i had to do the hard way lol ...

But as fot the Marble i just left the male stay on ... and watch in the morning and before sleep .. if they mate will be long 8-15hr .. so u'll know if they been mated or not ..

So I found them separated this morning. I slept for 9 hours so its possible he connected after I went to bed and lasted til about when I woke up. also possible he realized he was thirsty and hopped off. So I put him in his enclosure, gave him a beetle and lots of water, and tomorrow we go again

I would love that ... while giving me a blow ... also give me something nice to drink lol XXX
Mantidforum.xxx ?
I blew my heart out
Not enough blowing I guess.
Maybe a sammich too!
Lol you guys ;) get yo minds outta de gutter! :p ^^ ......

That's why a fan is recommended, bc sometimes ull get light headed from too much exhalation... (notice how I didn't use blow? ;) )

Lol you guys ;) get yo minds outta de gutter! :p ^^ ......

That's why a fan is recommended, bc sometimes ull get light headed from too much exhalation... (notice how I didn't use blow? ;) )
Blowing makes me lightheaded

There used to be a little kid here who loved bubbles so we'd blow bubbles together and id quickly get light headed

Sadly they moved a few years ago, such an enthusiastic 6 year old though, always asking questions :nerd:
