Hierodula solomonis breding dairy


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part 6 - day 5

hes mounted her this time successsfully..at 1st she tried to shug him off but he hung tight..As i type there vertical facing downwards..they havent touched abdomen's yet//il let u guys know soon as it does..pics coming up soon..need to upload them.

part 7 - day 6

i repositioned them..he mounted her for 10 mins then flew off..lol..useless

i repositioned them again..no doubt he wou8ld of been dead in wild..i saved his butt so many times now..hes 2 inchs behind her now.il let u know how it goes..

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part 8 - day 6

he mounted her..and is bending and twisting his abdermen,there playing twister :lol: so far so good..updating coming as and whe it happens.

hahahah just when i thought it was going well the male thinks"iv had enough playing twister,time to go" with out even touching..GRRRRRRRR man this is bugging me..cant risk leaving them on there own..theres only 1 male and i cant get another..so im having to supervise it every time..any way iv put them back in there net cages..feed the female again and il try again later on. :angry:

part 9 - day 6

need info from the pros.

i tryed again..he mounted her and then walked off after trying to bend his abdomen

why is it that a female and male thats been adult for 5 weeks the male mounts her..all is going well..he trys to bend his abdomen in place..after 5-10 mins trying this he cant connect then he walks off..Why?any way il try again later..hes mounted her over 7 times..lol

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Maybe the little guy got a deformity where his 'you-know-what' did not develop :lol:
no his thing is ok im sure cause hes trying to bend it to the females but its not connecting..il try again tomorrow they wil get there in the end..tomorrow il put soft lighting and play some music..lmao

oooh, romantic. The female will be lookin for a committed realationship before she will get close to him. maybe if they get married, they might mate on the honeymoon... :p

But seriously, I hope you can mate them. Coz if u can't, you will hav to w8 for Graham to put them up 4 sale again so u can see who was the problem. The female for being so grumpy, or the male for having bad connecty skills. :rolleyes:

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I think you just have a more impatient male. Keep trying, if she keeps rejecting food, then they are probably safe to leave alone. Once he mounts, don't bother them by taking pictures or anything. Just leave them alone, and maybe the peace will keep him on top of her. Sometimes I get males that will stay on top of females for 8 hours... so good luck!

day 7...after trying to mate for for 10 times on the 11th time tonight they mated successfully..they locked abdomens 25mins ago and still there locked tight.Great news..i know Rebeca is keen to get this species..i dont blame her..this is my favorite species i have out of all my mantids.

