Hierodula solomonis breding dairy


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day 21 no ooth yet..im getting restless..*MJ SHOUTS* WHERES MY FERTILE JADE OOOOOOOOOOTH :angry: :( :p

crack open the champaign

*M.J has a big smile on his face*


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dont mess with her..She has a sharp weapon :lol: Shes licking the bloody clean from her last victim


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no good news..my adult female that so far has only laid 1 ooth has started being sick..im pretty sure its because of the crickets...bloody crickts.unless shes eaten so much its made her sick..does this happen?she has been eating alot lately.silent crickets

not very big now..she hasnt had any food for few days..she was sick so i didnt give her any.shes stoped being sick now.must of been just a bad cricket..im not ricking it again..shes on a sticky fly diet now..and im going to get some moths,

edit 0 shes running fast to get some food,,i think shes fine now..:)i gave her lots of water while she was sick..i think hes over it.. :) thank god,.i need at leaste another 3 ooths from her,.

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she eats crickets..Soon as my flys hatch il be feeding her flys.


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no good news..my adult female that so far has only laid 1 ooth has started being sick..im pretty sure its because of the crickets...bloody crickts.unless shes eaten so much its made her sick..does this happen?she has been eating alot lately.silent crickets
well all tho i thought she recovered because she stopped being sick but i just noticed she fell from her perch and shes acting like the male did before he died..shes walking around in circles and lying on her side..shes about to die...And im almost sure its the crickets..Soon as i hatch enough flys i wont be using them again..Lucky i got 1 ooth from her really..least i can breed with the nymphs If it hatches

Dude that really sucks. I hope the ooth you do have hatches soon. But your female lived this long, thats an old lady!! Any way, good luck with rearing the nymphs. Oh, I have a question. Is it possible to breed the siblings when they grow up? By siblings, I mean of the same ootheca, and two oothecas from the same parent. Please answer this! :mellow:

Dude that really sucks. I hope the ooth you do have hatches soon. But your female lived this long, thats an old lady!! Any way, good luck with rearing the nymphs. Oh, I have a question. Is it possible to breed the siblings when they grow up? By siblings, I mean of the same ootheca, and two oothecas from the same parent. Please answer this! :mellow:
yes..it will be 2nd generation.it will hatch.. ;) .This species has only been in culture sinse last year.thats why u google it u will only see my pics.. ;)


day 40 and the ooth hasnt hatched..i failed. :( :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: DAM IT!!!!

failedday 40 and the ooth hasnt hatched..i failed. :( :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: DAM IT!!!!
I'v been wondering is it possible to find out if an ooth is still alive or not, by cutting a part of it open? I was in your position roughly last year, with two way overdue ooths, cut them open, and it was all dry and crusty inside.

If one we're to cut a living ooth, what would he expect to find, besides living mantids.
