Horrible Shooting


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
So today in Newtown CT a man walked into an elementary school and opened fire at a bunch of kids

18 were killed and so were 8 adults

18 innocent children who wont get to be high schoolers, who wont have christmas again, who wont learn to drive, who wont get to enjoy the weekend

And every ungrateful kid in my class talked during the news story on it today

They should be grateful they get to live

And the survivors r so young, they probably think they r all going back to school monday and everything will be ok

This senseless violence must end!!!

Here is my prayer for the families and all involved, children, teachers, family, caretakers and all.

Our Precious heavenly Father, the children are now gathered in your arms where no harm can ever befall them again, they will no longer be afraid and will live forever

with you, tell them we love them and wish them joy, please kiss them for us as we love them. Amen.

The prayers of all the ones with loved ones here, ask for grace and comfort to those in need.

I heard about that this morning. Horrible day indeed. :( My well wishes to the friends and families of the victims as well...

I heard about this as well. I can't stand this. It happens all the time and ends countless lives. Apparently the shooter was a father of a child in the school and he had a fight with the principal. That doesn't give him any right to do what he did. Those poor children. Never getting to do what life had set for them. It makes me sick

I heard about this as well. I can't stand this. It happens all the time and ends countless lives. Apparently the shooter was a father of a child in the school and he had a fight with the principal. That doesn't give him any right to do what he did. Those poor children. Never getting to do what life had set for them. It makes me sick
I read/ listened that he went to kill his mother(teacher) and killed everyone who tried to get in his way.

Crazy, heartless people :(

I can only imagine the raging people will do over gun control now

Here is my prayer for the families and all involved, children, teachers, family, caretakers and all.

Our Precious heavenly Father, the children are now gathered in your arms where no harm can ever befall them again, they will no longer be afraid and will live forever

with you, tell them we love them and wish them joy, please kiss them for us as we love them. Amen.

The prayers of all the ones with loved ones here, ask for grace and comfort to those in need.

Thanks Rebecca. My prayers also go out to the victims and their familes, friends and all those affected.

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Those parents probably dropped of those kids at school in the morning thinking their kids would be alive to pick them up. It is so sad. My prayers to the families of the victims

Mime454 said:
It's weird because I swear I hear people say this way more than I hear actual, serious conversations about gun control.
Gun control wont stop this one bit. A criminal will find a way, the guy was just a coward heartless being. Innocent children was not the answer. Its very sick someone would do this.

gripen said:
Well at least it will help. The average citizen should not be able to have an assault weapon. Period.
Gun control wont stop this one bit. A criminal will find a way, the guy was just a coward heartless being. Innocent children was not the answer. Its very sick someone would do this.
Gun control won't work for the same reason that the drug war hasn't work for the same reason that prohibition didn't work. I think that the answer is to funnel more money into mental health facilities.

All those kids dead for nothing. What a waste! I can't possibly imagine how all those parents feel right now? So sad. :(

It wasn't just the kids and adults there either.. according to the news the man also killed his own mother... =/ Very sick man..

i dont get why people do such terrible things :( those people had their whole lives ahead of them! My prayers and condolences go to them. :angel: :(

Sad is a word that seems so small now in comparison? Just a mess... :( People need to inform others even if it's friend that seems odd, gets my vote :) , best way to stop this insane behavior? Someone knew he was off???
