Hey y'all, I hadn't really planned on getting a preying mantis but, opportunity knocked this morning when I found one outside on our patio. A friend of mine had kept some and I always thought it was an interesting idea but never pursued it. What I found looks to be a female, chinese mantis. I figured why not give it a try. This one appears to be fully grown and is about 6" long. I cleaned up and old aquarium I had in the garage and put some sand in for subtrate and added branch for her to perch on. We also picked up some crickets. I'm starting to wonder if she may be getting ready to molt as she hasn't really jumped on the crickets and her abdomen seems kinda thin. They have definitely been within striking distance but she doesn't seem interested.I'm thinking maybe wait until morning and see if any of the crickets are eaten and if not, remove them and leave her be for a day or two. What do y'all think?