So breeding my own crickets instead of buying them has always appealed to me. After talking to my mom about it, she said it was ok for me to try! She's been paying for the crickets, as she preferred me taking care of bugs to playing video games like I used to, and it would cost us nearly twenty bucks every trip to the pet store, and that made me feel bad.
So! I read up a bit on what crickets need, and came up with this setup.

The bins are from Walmart. I included a shot that shows the label, which says the dimensions are 15"x11.5"x11.75". In cm, that's 38.1x29.2x29.8. Are these bins too small? I'm not planning on raising many thousands, just enough for my own 75 or so mantises, and hopefully, a friend's adult veiled chameleon. Will I be able to rear enough for my mantises at least, if I mist the soil every day and maintain their food and water? I'll have a desk lamp over them.

The lid holes are covered in some thick plastic meshy stuff from the fabric store, I don't know what it's called. My dad hates metal screen, so this is what we used. Will the four circluar holes be enough ventilation? Will the crickets chew through it right away? The lid on the left also has a fabric mesh, so if the pinheads that hatch out get up there, they won't escape right away.

The box on the right is fully outfitted for crickets, as I'll be getting some today. Is this a good enough dish of soil, and is that enough egg carton? I have more, but I didn't want it to be excessively cluttered. I'm going to be putting 5 dozen "large" crickets from the pet store in there.
On the left, there's a leaf of lettuce, and on the right, a dish of water with a towel in it to keep them from drowning, and some fancy dry dog food.
The box on the left doesn't have everything in it because it's for the babies, which I shouldn't have for another couple of days. The dish of soil in there is to swap with the one that will hopefully be full of eggs. The soil is miracle gro potting soil, the only sterile soil I have. I've seen videos where people use potting soil, so I'm hopeful that this is going to do.
Thank you for answering some of these questions, I know I've asked a lot!
So! I read up a bit on what crickets need, and came up with this setup.

The bins are from Walmart. I included a shot that shows the label, which says the dimensions are 15"x11.5"x11.75". In cm, that's 38.1x29.2x29.8. Are these bins too small? I'm not planning on raising many thousands, just enough for my own 75 or so mantises, and hopefully, a friend's adult veiled chameleon. Will I be able to rear enough for my mantises at least, if I mist the soil every day and maintain their food and water? I'll have a desk lamp over them.

The lid holes are covered in some thick plastic meshy stuff from the fabric store, I don't know what it's called. My dad hates metal screen, so this is what we used. Will the four circluar holes be enough ventilation? Will the crickets chew through it right away? The lid on the left also has a fabric mesh, so if the pinheads that hatch out get up there, they won't escape right away.

The box on the right is fully outfitted for crickets, as I'll be getting some today. Is this a good enough dish of soil, and is that enough egg carton? I have more, but I didn't want it to be excessively cluttered. I'm going to be putting 5 dozen "large" crickets from the pet store in there.
On the left, there's a leaf of lettuce, and on the right, a dish of water with a towel in it to keep them from drowning, and some fancy dry dog food.
The box on the left doesn't have everything in it because it's for the babies, which I shouldn't have for another couple of days. The dish of soil in there is to swap with the one that will hopefully be full of eggs. The soil is miracle gro potting soil, the only sterile soil I have. I've seen videos where people use potting soil, so I'm hopeful that this is going to do.
Thank you for answering some of these questions, I know I've asked a lot!
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