Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019


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He just sits there staring. Antennae pointed right at her.
Try nudging his abdomen to make him move or holding him directly over/behind the female's back so that it's easy for him to walk on. That's what I had to do with my male spiny.

I have a spiny pair ready now too. Maybe this weekend. 
If you need breeding help, just ask!

- MantisGirl13

I find mating the Spineys weren't an issue. Orchids were harder for me.
Well, full steam ahead with spinys then.

My orchid matings are 2 for 2 so far. Just hope they hurry up and start producing oothecae. They have large tongue depressors, 1/2 dowel, and 1/4 dowel in their bins. Horizontal and vertical. 

I'm also prepared and ready to see what happens with the megas. 

Fingers crossed. 

I had some difficulty mating my spinys,but I haven't need my orchids yet, so I can't really compare from experience, only from your easy experience with the orchids! I hope my orchids are as good as yours!

- MantisGirl13

I had the same experience with orchids, it’s the weirdest thing. The male even flew over the female right in front of her face, and she just batted him away! Completely uninterested in cannibalism. I even decided to see what would happen if I left them together in the same (somewhat small) enclosure for a few hours, and came back to the whole male. Idk if it’s age or luck, but I hope this behavior can be inherited, like breeding out cannibalism in guppy mothers.

Now SPINYS. Wow. 

To start, five of six are matured. And yeah yeah, I know ive missexed one. Maybe two. The remaining nymph I thought was female is likely male. And, the latest one that matured is male. 

That means I have 1 female and five males. 😂

So my first attempt was with my oldest male. She is SUPER aggressive and even threw her superworm away to attack him. He cleared away as I intervened. That was out in the open, on a plant with a lid propped up for approach. 

Subsequent attempts with that male and one other failed. 


So, I threw a small plant in a mesh cube with her and the second male and a couple dozen BBFs. They've been in there all night and as of right now, he's still in a corner away from the female. They've both feasted with lots of flies to go, but still no approach. 🤮







4/30/2019 9:09:46





4/27/2019 15:27:28





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5/6/2019 18:26:01





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I'm not sure this helps you but...

I just bread my pairs and one is successful. The other pair tried many many times but no connection that I saw. It could have happened at night, who knows.

The non-connected pair is still in the mesh cage after 2 weeks, orbiting each other but no attempts again. I'm leaving them in there. The female is not aggressive.

My other female ate the first introduced male and then mated immediately with another bigger male, twice. She has been laying ooths.

I think increasing the humidity and temperature helped. But I think at least for me, it was just luck. I have no idea why the first female is not very receptive and why the second female was receptive only with the second bigger male.

It might help if you were able to gently place the male on the females back while she is eating. I did that with my B. Mendica and they mated after 10 minutes. They probably need to be used to handling though.

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The one I've referred to to as male #1 is PW02. The female is PW01 and is the oldest of all my spinys. 01 and 02 were oldest respectively. Hard to say who is  biggest of the males as all mine are the same. Mine were raised on a lot of hand feeding and tons of handling. Maybe the female needs to age a bit more. Another week or two. 
